Global News BC: B.C. lottery ticket worth $1 million still unclaimed #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #GoldBallDrawlotteryticket #UnclaimedLotteryticket #BCLotteryCorporation #Winninglotteryticket #LotteryTicket #LowerMainland #MapleRidge #Canada #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #goldballdrawlotteryticket #unclaimedlotteryticket #bclotterycorporation #winninglotteryticket #lotteryticket #lowermainland #MapleRidge #Canada #bclc
Global News BC: B.C. man wins $2.5M, but thought email about lottery win was a scam #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #NorthVancouverlotterywinner #BCLotteryCorporation #BClotterywinner #NorthVancouver #LotteryWinner #LowerMainland #Lotto6-49 #Canada #money #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #northvancouverlotterywinner #bclotterycorporation #bclotterywinner #northvancouver #lotterywinner #lowermainland #lotto6 #Canada #money #bclc
Global News BC: Intense heat across B.C. melts more than a dozen temperature records #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Lillooettemperaturerecord #temperaturerecordsbroken #EnvironmentCanada #InteriorHealth #LowerMainland #heatblanket #cachecreek #HeatWave #Okanagan #Weather #trail #Heat
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #lillooettemperaturerecord #temperaturerecordsbroken #EnvironmentCanada #InteriorHealth #lowermainland #heatblanket #cachecreek #heatwave #okanagan #Weather #trail #heat
Global News BC: BC Parks investigating safety of Okanagan campground trees after child’s death #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Lowermainlandfamilylosesyoungestmember #investigationintofallentree #OkanaganLakeProvincialPark #Treekillschildatcampground #OkanaganLakecampground #southerninterior #LowerMainland #okanaganlake #Environment #BCInterior #ChildDeath #Okanagan #BCParks
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #lowermainlandfamilylosesyoungestmember #investigationintofallentree #okanaganlakeprovincialpark #treekillschildatcampground #okanaganlakecampground #southerninterior #lowermainland #okanaganlake #environment #BCInterior #childdeath #okanagan #bcparks
Hot, windy weather pushes B.C.'s wildfire battle south
By Dirk Meissner | News | July 20th 2023
British Columbia's wildfire fight is set to move toward the province's more populated southern areas amid hot and windy weather, while cooler temperatures and rain are expected to bring some relief in scorched northern regions.
#nationalobserver #wildfires #lowermainland #bc
A unique opportunity to take West Coast Express back to Vancouver in the *evening*
Probably my only chance to try WCE, as it's pretty useless for us here in the city.
#lowermainland #vancouver #translink #westcoastexpress
Global News BC: Temperatures expected to soar, heat warnings issued for 3 B.C. regions #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanadaheatwarnings #BCheatwarnings #LowerMainland #BCweatherhot #OkanaganHeat #Environment #BCweather #HeatWave #Weather #BCheat #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #environmentcanadaheatwarnings #bcheatwarnings #lowermainland #bcweatherhot #okanaganheat #environment #BCweather #heatwave #Weather #bcheat #BC
#CanadaDay forecast for the #LowerMainland and southern #VancouverIsland:
A few clouds otherwise mostly sunny. Highs ranging from 20°C near the water to 23°C inland (places like Abbotsford). Dropping by a few degrees for fireworks.
A stiff breeze along the water, out of the northwest along the Strait of Georgia, out of the west along the Strait of Juan de Fuca. #Fire danger is low to moderate, but don’t be dumb.
#canadaday #lowermainland #VancouverIsland #fire #vancouver #yvr #victoria #BCStorm #weather #wxtooter
Global News BC: Long waits, full vessels make for long weekend headaches on BC Ferries #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ferrycancellations #BCFerrieswebsite #VancouverIsland #bcferriesspace #bcferrieswaits #ferryheadaches #howtobcferries #LowerMainland #FerryDelays #ferrytravel #BCFerries #Traffic #Ferries #Canada #ferry
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ferrycancellations #bcferrieswebsite #vancouverisland #bcferriesspace #bcferrieswaits #ferryheadaches #howtobcferries #lowermainland #ferrydelays #ferrytravel #BCFerries #traffic #ferries #Canada #ferry
Global News BC: Search efforts continue for two missing fishermen in B.C. Interior #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #KamloopsSearchandRescue #missingfishermen #southerninterior #LowerMainland #MerrittRCMP #BCInterior #StumpLake #Merritt #Canada #RCMP
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #kamloopssearchandrescue #missingfishermen #southerninterior #lowermainland #MerrittRCMP #BCInterior #stumplake #Merritt #Canada #RCMP
Global News BC: Two teens charged in New Westminster SkyTrain stabbing #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #SkyTrainstabbing #ColumbiaStation #NewWestminster #Aprilstabbing #LowerMainland #SkyTrain #Stabbing #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #SkyTrainstabbing #columbiastation #newwestminster #aprilstabbing #lowermainland #skytrain #Stabbing #crime
Global News BC: Need a ride in Kelowna or Victoria? Uber is ready #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #ride-hailingservice #LowerMainland #ubervictoria #uberkelowna #Victoria #Kelowna #Canada #reryde #Uber
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #ride #lowermainland #ubervictoria #uberkelowna #victoria #kelowna #Canada #reryde #uber
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Month of May was warmer, drier than normal for most of province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #Mayweathertotals #okanaganweather #VancouverIsland #LowerMainland #warmMayinBC #southcoast #BCweather #Vancouver #Victoria #Weather #Kelowna #Nanaimo
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #EnvironmentCanada #mayweathertotals #okanaganweather #vancouverisland #lowermainland #warmmayinbc #southcoast #BCweather #Vancouver #victoria #Weather #kelowna #nanaimo
Global News BC: BC weather: Hot spring weather dominates, brings another day of temperature records #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #newtemperaturerecords #BCweatherrecords #southerninterior #LowerMainland #Environment #BCInterior #southcoast #BCweather #Okanagan
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #newtemperaturerecords #bcweatherrecords #southerninterior #lowermainland #environment #BCInterior #southcoast #BCweather #okanagan
Global News BC: B.C. weather: Sunshine dominates forecast, temperature records set across province #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCdailyweatherrecordsset #TemperatureRecords #BCweatherrecords #southerninterior #okanaganweather #VancouverIsland #LowerMainland #BCInterior #southcoast #BCweather #Okanagan #Weather
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcdailyweatherrecordsset #temperaturerecords #bcweatherrecords #southerninterior #okanaganweather #vancouverisland #lowermainland #BCInterior #southcoast #BCweather #okanagan #Weather
Global News BC: Former director of First Nations Employment Society in B.C. facing fraud charge #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #FirstNationsEmploymentSociety #VancouverProvincialCourt #fraudinvestigation #LowerMainland #Vancouver #BCRCMP #Crime #Delta #Fraud
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #firstnationsemploymentsociety #vancouverprovincialcourt #fraudinvestigation #lowermainland #Vancouver #BCRCMP #crime #delta #fraud
Global News BC: Controversial Lower Mainland marine terminal expansion gets greenlight #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #VancouverFraserPortAuthority #RobertBanksTerminal2Project #EnvironmentalAssessment #marineterminalexpansion #ImpactAssessmentAgency #EnvironmentCanada #BCmarineterminal #LowerMainland #RobertsBanks #Environment #Delta
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #vancouverfraserportauthority #robertbanksterminal2project #environmentalassessment #marineterminalexpansion #impactassessmentagency #EnvironmentCanada #bcmarineterminal #lowermainland #robertsbanks #environment #delta
Global News BC: Murder charges laid in 2021 death of South Okanagan woman #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #Naramatamurdercharge #KathyRichardson #NaramataMurder #LowerMainland #southokanagan #murdercharge #EkeneAnigbo #JalenFalk #Okanagan #Murder #Crime
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #naramatamurdercharge #kathyrichardson #naramatamurder #lowermainland #southokanagan #murdercharge #ekeneanigbo #jalenfalk #okanagan #murder #crime
Global News BC: Winning Lotto 6/49 ticket worth $5M purchased in Lower Mainland #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #BCwinninglotteryticket #BCLotteryCorporation #Lotto6/49classicdraw #Winninglotteryticket #Winninglottoticket #financialwindfall #NorthVancouver #LowerMainland #southcoast #Lotto6-49 #Canada #BCLC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #bcwinninglotteryticket #bclotterycorporation #lotto6 #winninglotteryticket #winninglottoticket #financialwindfall #northvancouver #lowermainland #southcoast #Canada #bclc
CUPE 561 Transit workers are on #strike and need our support!
“The fact is, we earn 32 per cent less than other transit operators in Lower Mainland B.C., people who do the same work. And there’s no pension.”
“Our members drive buses that say “BC Transit” on them. This misleads the public: we are NOT #BCTransit employees, and we do not make BC Transit wages or have a BC Transit pension plan.”
#lowermainland #BCTransit #strike