Let's have another #dragonfly photo. This is a Common Darter, at the #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust reserve at #LowerMoorFarm on Friday. #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
#dragonfly #wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #lowermoorfarm #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
Did I mention there was a Lesser Emperor #dragonfly at #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #LowerMoorFarm on Friday? Showing very nicely right in front of the cafe. I recommend the lemon drizzle cake. #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
#dragonfly #wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #lowermoorfarm #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
Time for a #dragonfly photo. This is Brown Hawker which had been laying eggs and had just taken off. The first time I've managed to get a photo of this species in flight. At #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #LowerMoorFarm on Friday while I waited for the Lesser Emperor to show. #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
#dragonfly #wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #lowermoorfarm #insects #wildlife #wildlifephotography #odonata
The #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust reserve at #LowerMoorFarm. Come for the Lesser Emperor dragonfly, stay for the plants. This one's Cut-leaved Cranesbill. #WildflowerHour #Bloomscrolling #botany #plants #flowers #wildflowers #plantscience #photography
#wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #lowermoorfarm #WildflowerHour #bloomscrolling #botany #plants #flowers #wildflowers #plantscience #photography
Long-term followers may have noticed that I'm rather fond of thistles. This one is Welted Thistle, at #LowerMoorFarm #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust reserve during the week. #WildflowerHour #Bloomscrolling #botany #plants #flowers #wildflowers #plantscience #photography
#lowermoorfarm #wiltshire #WildlifeTrust #WildflowerHour #bloomscrolling #botany #plants #flowers #wildflowers #plantscience #photography
Nothing rare at the #Wiltshire #WildlifeTrust reserve at #LowerMoorFarm today, unless you count the Downy Emerald dragonfly that refused to pose for a photo, but several plants that were worth a close-up. Goosegrass, aka Cleavers (the fruits are very familiar, the flowers less so), Hedge Mustard, Silverweed and Cut-leaved Cranesbill. #WildflowerHour #Bloomscrolling #botany #plants #flowers #wildflowers #plantscience #photography
#photography #plantscience #wildflowers #flowers #plants #botany #bloomscrolling #WildflowerHour #lowermoorfarm #WildlifeTrust #wiltshire