Régis Turner - le Message
Un titre #lowfi #pop au #synth, ambiance triste et #diy maîtrisé comme une R25 sur une national un matin de janvier, juste avant de percuter le platane.
#np #tootradio #pouetradio #diy #synth #pop #lowfi
The Dandy Warhols - The Black Album
Originally thought to be "lost" (whatever that really means), this was the Dandy's *demo* (that was rejected by the label). Well, reject it no more - they put it out later, on their web site, and it was recently repressed without the 2nd disc (Come On Feel..., available separately).
Some of these tracks were re-recorded on the 1st album. But it's fun to hear things here semi-low-fi.
#thedandywarhols #rock #lowfi #vinyl #nowplaying
A friends post triggered this 30 year old memory. Portland in the early mid 90s was really punching above it’s weight, esp considering our cousins to the north. This one’s for the X-ray Cafe. #portland #pdx #oldportland #newbadthings #lowfi
#portland #pdx #oldportland #newbadthings #lowfi
Low-fi folk, all proceeds go to the Rainbow Railroad project, helping LGBTQIA ppl fleestate-sponsored violence (rainbowrailroad.org)
"The No Spoons Sessions"
"Reminds me of Connie Converse..."
"Would go well with a Wes Anderson film" -- @limneticvillains
"Perfectly imperfect..." "...mastery of the folk lexicon" --Rainbow Rodeo Magazine @rainbowrodeomag
"Refreshingly honest..." -- John Fabke
#bandcampfriday #folkmusic #lowfi #singersongwriter #trans
Granular sounds with a distinct VHS vibe. Travel to the Westland where the distorted skies are orange year round and the synthesizers sound in kind.
#ambient #electronica #vhs #lowfi #experimental
#BeeSong - Why I Love "Music Has The Right To Children" by Boards Of Canada
#BoardsOfCanada #BOC #Boards #LowFi #DownTempo #Music #ElectronicMusic #Samples #Sampled #Sampling
#sampling #sampled #samples #electronicmusic #music #downtempo #lowfi #boards #boc #boardsofcanada #beesong
Ibaia means "the river".
Acoustic guitar and transverse flute.
This track is part of "Paisaiak '22", 8 improvisations recorded in one take on a 4-track portable device during last summer.
Paisaiak means "landscapes".
Ibaia means "the river".
Acoustic guitar and transverse flute.
This track is part of "Paisaiak '22", 8 improvisations recorded in one take on a 4-track portable device during last summer.
Paisaiak means "landscapes".
TIL that there is a lowfi music mixed with live atc traffic: https://www.lofiatc.com/?icao=KSFO
En bonne et due forme – v1 (2023)
Chanson certifiée conforme. ✅
Michaël : auteur, compositeur, interprète.
Creative Commons BY-SA : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/deed.fr
#MastoRadio #FediRadio
#PouetRadio #TootRadio
#Indie #LowFi
#musique #projetfmr #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #indie #lowfi #ccbysa
Les chaînes de télé – v1 (2023)
Chanson cathodique. 📺
Thierry : parolier.
Michaël : adaptateur, compositeur, interprète.
Creative Commons BY-NC-SA : https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/4.0/deed.fr
#MastoRadio #FediRadio
#PouetRadio #TootRadio
#Indie #LowFi
#musique #projetfmr #mastoradio #fediradio #pouetradio #tootradio #soundcheck #indie #lowfi #ccbyncsa
Thierry & Michaël : Les chaînes de télé – v1 (chanson cathodique)
#PouetRadio #Soundcheck #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCSA #ProjetFMR
#pouetradio #soundcheck #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncsa #projetfmr
Thierry & Michaël : Ma guitare – v8 (chanson qui gratte)
#PouetRadio #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCSA #ProjetFMR
#pouetradio #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncsa #projetfmr
Thierry & Michaël : Merci les gars, Rocker – v4 (chanson rauque)
#PouetRadio #Soundcheck #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCSA #ProjetFMR
#pouetradio #soundcheck #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncsa #projetfmr
Thierry & Michaël : Merci les gars, Rocker – v4 (chanson rauque)
#PouetRadio #Soundcheck #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCSA
#pouetradio #soundcheck #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncsa
Thierry & Michaël : Modestement ou presque – v4b (chanson timide)
#PouetRadio #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCSA #ProjetFMR
Maquette enregistrée avec un #ZoomR8 et #Ardour. Des guitares et une basse sur une boîte à rythmes accompagnent les paroles.
#pouetradio #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncsa #projetfmr #zoomr8 #ardour
André & Michaël : S.D.F. – v2 (chanson pour un acronyme politiquement correct)
#PouetRadio #Musique #LowFi #Amateur #CCBYNCND #ProjetFMR
Maquette enregistrée avec un #ZoomR8 et #Ardour. Des guitares et une basse sur une boîte à rythmes accompagnent les paroles.
#pouetradio #musique #lowfi #amateur #ccbyncnd #projetfmr #zoomr8 #ardour
Feeling Good https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/mfarinato_a-touch-of-lo-fi_feeling-good #nft #nftshowroom #hive via @NftShowroom #best #lowfi #remastered
#nft #nftshowroom #Hive #best #lowfi #Remastered
Feeling Good https://nftshowroom.com/gallery/mfarinato_a-touch-of-lo-fi_feeling-good #nft #nftshowroom #hive via @NftShowroom #best #lowfi #remastered
#nft #nftshowroom #hive #best #lowfi #Remastered
(12/54) This one is kind of low-fi, but it’s beautiful, performed outdoors in a wooded area: https://youtu.be/KUnZ2aoxvTQ
#artherblack #lowfi #outdoors #creep #radiohead #cover