❤️ the bio!
But I mean to quibble w/1 thing…
I’m told #annarbor MI is the #berkeley of the Midwest.
#madison is the A2 of WI…
No matter the order…I’d rather live in these types of communities…college towns…
Than the alternative!
A place for everyone.
Greed is making these places unaffordable to too many.
It’s becoming a privilege. Which will, in turn rot them from w/in.
#affordablehousing #healthcare
#LowIncomeHousingNeeded #livingwage #minimumwageincrease
#minimumwageincrease #livingwage #lowincomehousingneeded #healthcare #affordablehousing #madison #berkeley #annarbor
#OpenLetter from #Academics Against #Vancouver #Encampment #Evictions
#HouseTheHouseless #BritishColumbia #BCpoli #VancouverPolitics #SocialHousingNeeded #LowIncomeHousingNeeded #SupportiveHousingNeeded #HousingCrisis #HelpTheHomeless #HumanRights #HomelessAreHumansToo #BeCompassionate #HelpNotHarm #BeACaringHuman #CanPoli #BCNDP #DavidEby #MayorKenSims #DTES #VancouverHousingCrisis #StopStreetSweeps #FundMoreHomesNotMoreCops #GlobalNorth #FundHomesNotEcocide
#openletter #academics #vancouver #encampment #evictions #housethehouseless #britishcolumbia #bcpoli #vancouverpolitics #socialhousingneeded #lowincomehousingneeded #supportivehousingneeded #housingcrisis #helpthehomeless #humanrights #homelessarehumanstoo #becompassionate #helpnotharm #beacaringhuman #canpoli #bcndp #davideby #mayorkensims #dtes #vancouverhousingcrisis #stopstreetsweeps #fundmorehomesnotmorecops #globalnorth #fundhomesnotecocide