My x64-based OS contains now a fully working FAT12 driver. Check-it out here: #osdev #internals #assembler #lowlevel #linux
#Linux #lowlevel #assembler #internals #osdev
You might know how to program in a high-level language like JavaScript or Python, but do you know what’s happening at the machine level? Would you be interested in a meetup presentation with some hands-on exercises?
#programming #coding #LowLevel #assembler #assembly #MachineLanguage #architecture #ComputerArchitecture #UnderTheHood
#programming #coding #lowlevel #assembler #assembly #machinelanguage #architecture #computerarchitecture #underthehood
I just read this book: it's old (2012) but because it's more academic and focused on industry standards more than technological implementations, I found it still legitimate to know. It challenges Neumann's computer architecture in absolutely all possible and known fronts. It also helped me refresh knowledge about electronic signaling specs of various components. #computer #security #lowlevel #hardware #software
#computer #security #lowlevel #hardware #software
Testing my x64 OS on both physical and virtual hardware. It can load now a User Mode program (Ring 3) from the file system into memory for its execution. It uses Interrupt-based System Calls to execute Kernel Mode (Ring 0) functions within the OS Kernel. #osdev #intel #assembler #linux #lowlevel
#lowlevel #Linux #assembler #intel #osdev #security #mitigation #book #opensource #lowlevel #exploit #bof #cfi #stack #memory An opensource book regarding lowlevel security. It covers various topics, has a nice short and crisp overview of common exploitation technics and describes countermeasures.
#security #mitigation #book #opensource #lowlevel #exploit #bof #cfi #stack #memory
Low-level is easy #LowLevel #SystemsProgramming
My latest #osdev release contains a functional #x64 screen and keyboard driver: #assembler #lowlevel #computerscience
#computerscience #lowlevel #assembler #x64 #osdev
4 years using and championing the #fediverse full time and I've never written a #introductions toot. Well, or I have and can't find it.
I'm a #blind guy from 🇬🇧 with a passion for #technology and #programming, particularly #lowLevel #systemsProgramming in #C, #C++, #Rust, etc.
I've been a huge #freeSoftware / #openSource advocate for the majority of my life. I run #Linux and I love open, #decentralised technologies like #ActivityPub, #Matrix, #bitTorrent etc.
In my view, technology is built to make our lives easier, and in many ways, it isn't these days. It is truly my opinion that the only way #tech can be sustainable is if it's built using #FOSS, and does not give ultimate control to any 1 entity, individual or corporate. If technology is to help the people, it must be built *for* the people.
Currently working on, various projects with the rest of the Lower Elements gang at, and a Computing Science BSC at the #University of #stirling
#stirling #university #foss #tech #bittorrent #matrix #activitypub #decentralised #linux #opensource #freesoftware #rust #c #systemsprogramming #lowlevel #programming #technology #blind #introductions #fediverse
The first picture represents the #C code for implementing a #virtualmachine for the LC3 architecture. It's less than 125 LoC.
The second picture is bytecode that works on the Virtual Machine and cam sum two numbers read from the keyboard.
C is beautifully simple. And the code is a little too cryptic.
The explanations can be found here:
#c #virtualmachine #prpgramming #cprogramming #bytecode #compilers #lowlevel
Recently I wanted to implement a snake game using only the smallest amount of memory possible.
In the end I've come up with a solution (using #C and #curses) that is (re)using only 4 int variables.
After the #macros expand the #code looks rewardingly crazy.
#c #snake #game #bitwise #lowlevel #cprogramming #cprogrammers #programming
#c #curses #macros #code #snake #game #bitwise #lowlevel #cprogramming #cprogrammers #programming
I guess I'm going to #introduce myself with some tags that people might follow #introduction . I'm a #software #engineer working on an #hpc company called Weka, that loves #programming #dlang . I'm mostly a #lowlevel #programmer that loves writing correct, secure and efficient #code. I also like to mess around with #compilers and maintain some D code on #llvm project. I like to contribute to #opensource and also like to do some #automation software and #diy projects, on my free time.
#introduce #introduction #software #engineer #hpc #programming #dlang #lowlevel #programmer #code #compilers #llvm #opensource #automation #diy
The battery is the Shepard.
The surface charge are the sheep dogs.
And the electrons are the sheep, led along by the barking dogs.
That's how electricity works.
So we're not getting single threaded CPU processing any faster unless we can find a way to make faster sheep.
/metaphor broken
Last year I've decided to write an article about how we can write a working register-based #virtualmachine in 125 lines of #c code.
In the end it was a little "bit" less.
#c #lowlevel #programming #assembly #LC3
In case you are interested, here is the link:
#selfpromotion #virtualmachine #c #lowlevel #programming #assembly #LC3
Last year I've decided to write an article about how we can write a working #virtualmachine in 125 lines of #c code.
In the end it was a little "bit" less.
#c #lowlevel #programming #assembly #LC3
In case you are interested, here is the link:
#selfpromotion #virtualmachine #c #lowlevel #programming #assembly #LC3
I take computer organization and architecture in college right now. Sorta happy that I'm finally getting around to learning #assembly, although I'm a bit confused about when I'll get to use it, since it's MIPS assembly...
#assembly #lowlevel #programming #developer #college #computerscience
Rust ❤️ C++ #programming #developer #interface #mechanism #language #lowlevel #rust #safe #cxx #c++
#programming #developer #interface #mechanism #language #lowlevel #rust #safe #cxx #c