Heaviness makes a tool become less interoperable, less tinkerable, less understandable and usage drains more resources.

Development of high resource tools requires more financiation. Its at least a full time job to maintain it and further development.

Much of the problem is that todays operating systems are designed around high resource tools. Low resource tools are often seen as technical.

We need low resource tools that aims to be part of a toolbox.

#lowresource #digitalissues

Last updated 1 year ago

I wrote about my first steps moving forward in my Balochi language modelling project. Training a custom tokenizer is my initial short-term goal but to do that I first needed to put together a small dataset with which I could work. I detail some of the things I did to that end and a list of resources I'm maintaining as I continue on this journey.


#balochi #nlp #lowresource

Last updated 1 year ago

Alex Strick van Linschoten · @strickvl
240 followers · 120 posts · Server mathstodon.xyz

I wrote about my first steps moving forward in my Balochi language modelling project. Training a custom tokenizer is my initial short-term goal but to do that I first needed to put together a small dataset with which I could work. I detail some of the things I did to that end and a list of resources I'm maintaining as I continue on this journey.


#lowresource #nlp #Balochi

Last updated 1 year ago

Dave Howcroft 🦔 · @_dmh
284 followers · 836 posts · Server tech.lgbt

When your covid lasts a week and screws up end of year plans as well as attending at .

I will be connecting to the virtual only poster session to discuss our paper on in about an hour

#gem #emnlp2022 #lowresource #nlg

Last updated 2 years ago

Dave Howcroft 🦔 · @_dmh
200 followers · 478 posts · Server tech.lgbt

Great fun today giving an invited talk for the NLP seminar series at Dublin City University :D

I'll put the slides up online sometime soon for anyone who wants to hear about our work on at and building up a dataset for .

#lowresource #nlg #edinburghnapieruniversity #scottishgaelic

Last updated 2 years ago

_dmh · @_dmh
137 followers · 486 posts · Server mastodon.social

In my own work, I'm working to adapt simpler models which are not as data-hungry to perform data-to-text in settings. Part of this effort will involve exploring and approaches to neural .

Follow me if you want more content related to these topics, though be advised that this is a whole-person account and I will talk about things other than work as well.

#nlg #lowresource #multitasklearning #pipeline #naturallanguagegeneration

Last updated 2 years ago