I'm thinking maybe work shouldn't make me want to cry quite so often? 🤔
#anxious #overwhelmed #lowselfesteem #adhd
#anxious #overwhelmed #lowselfesteem #adhd
Try to write something interesting or just post a shirtless pic?
Decisions decisions…
In truth I dislike most pics of myself which is why at times I post a lot of selfies. Trying to get over my dislike as it were. So far this has been mainly face pics. Posting more revealing shots makes me slightly uncomfortable which is kinda why I think I should it more. Lol.
#randomthoughts #lowselfesteem
When you have #depression, #lowselfesteem, #adhd , and your pre-teen knows every fucking button to push to make you contemplate taking all your meds at once.. Yup.. #ThatsLife (No I didn't take them all.)
#depression #lowselfesteem #adhd #thatslife
A neuroscientist explains why Donald Trump’s narcissism is now a major threat
“People with strong narcissistic needs want to love themselves, and they desperately want others to love them too — or at least admire them, see them as brilliant and powerful and beautiful, even just see them, period The fundamental life goal is to promote the greatness of the self, for all to see. He bragged about his crowd sizes He called himself a genius
#trump #narcissist #lowselfesteem
I am still in shock as to why the first lady Aisha Buhari will stoop so low as to prosecute Aminu Adamu for a social media post. Worse still is the torture and beatings the undergrad allegedly received from the security agents who abducted him from school.
#freespeech #TyrannyMustStop
#LowSelfEsteem #AmestyInternational
#freeaminuadamu #freespeech #tyrannymuststop #lowselfesteem #amestyinternational
Our Inner critic (IC) can be very mean to us. It’s a way we can really downgrade ourselves (by telling us that we are stupid, ugly,…). How can we deal with the IC?
#InnerCritic #InternalCritic #EFT #EmotionFocusedTherapy #LowSelfEsteem #Depression #Anxiety #SelfBlame #Psychotherapy
#psychotherapy #selfblame #anxiety #Depression #lowselfesteem #emotionfocusedtherapy #eft #internalcritic #innercritic
Son is throwing fits from not yet have learned how to tie shoe laces ..