RT @JasonWrich
Pasture move day. The grass is tall and the cows are fat! #lowtimepreference @beefinitiative #grassfedandfinished #rancholargo #cowchow #KnowYourRancher
#KnowYourRancher #cowchow #rancholargo #grassfedandfinished #lowtimepreference
CMake and LLVM from #pkgsrc has been compiling for >10 hours on my 2013 MacBook Pro. Gotta love a good old slow dual core workhorse 😄 #lowtimepreference
RT @ShewchukJim
Just orange pilling my nephew for his 1 year old birthday with the family on Thanksgiving.
He’s already on a bitcoin standard. Excited for our family’s future.
#bitcoin #family #LowTimePreference
@Opendime makes gifting bitcoin fun and easy
#lowtimepreference #family #bitcoin
HODL like there is a tomorrow. #lowtimepreference
RT @btcseminar@twitter.com I don't know software like @Beautyon_@twitter.com and @pierre_rochard@twitter.com I don't know economics like @saifedean@twitter.com and @TuurDemeester@twitter.com But thanks to that kind of people, I kinda have my head around scarcity, PoW and node validation and that's enough for me to HODL Bitcoin like a man possessed.