Toothbrush Speed Controller Secrets Revealed #lowvoltage #toothbrush #MiscHacks #teardown
#lowvoltage #toothbrush #MiscHacks #teardown
Toothbrush Speed Controller Secrets Revealed - Typically, when we want to build something with a DC motor, we might grab a bunch ... - #lowvoltage #toothbrush #mischacks #teardown
#teardown #mischacks #toothbrush #lowvoltage
Tube Amplifier Uses Low Voltage, Sips Battery #classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2SH27L #heater #2P29L #tube #amp
#classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2sh27l #heater #2p29l #tube #amp
Tube Amplifier Uses Low Voltage, Sips Battery - Much like vinyl records, tube amplifiers are still prized for their perceived soun... - #classichacks #lowvoltage #vacuumtube #amplifier #lowpower #2sh27l #heater #2p29l #tube #amp
#amp #tube #2p29l #heater #2sh27l #lowpower #amplifier #vacuumtube #lowvoltage #classichacks
A few years ago I saw a video where somebody was talking about how we have so many low-voltage DC devices in the present day that it might be time to get rid of the complex circuitry inside every wall charger and LED bulb, and start having low-voltage DC mains a standard thing. I still think about that sometimes.
Here's a thought.
With the exception of some large appliances in homes that require motors, like the fridge, washing machine, dryer, etc, a large part of my home could be easily run on DC. In fact, it mostly is, except it's based on little power supplies all over the house, replication to the point of absurdity. Why not wire new homes for DC? What do we actually need 120 volts AC for, typically? #DC #lowvoltage
Low-Voltage DC Network Build Incited By Solar Panels
#greenhacks #greenpower #lowvoltage #homehacks #homesolar #powergrid #battery #dcpower #pvsolar #dcups #power #solar #ups #dc
#greenhacks #greenpower #lowvoltage #homehacks #homesolar #powergrid #Battery #dcpower #pvsolar #dcups #power #Solar #ups #DC
Low-Voltage DC Network Build Incited By Solar Panels - Nowadays, some people in Europe worry about energy prices climbing, and even if al... - #greenhacks #greenpower #lowvoltage #homehacks #homesolar #powergrid #battery #dcpower #pvsolar #dcups #power #solar #ups #dc
#dc #ups #solar #power #dcups #pvsolar #dcpower #battery #powergrid #homesolar #homehacks #lowvoltage #greenpower #greenhacks
Bare feet on concrete and touching the electrified bus bar, shocked myself again.