"Households find low-waste living a challenge. Here's what needs to change"
I saw a billboard for an intriguing new shop in my area so I went with my best bud to check it out.
They sell their own handmade soaps, lotions, lip balms, deodorant, bathbombs, and other body care stuff like that - all of which were in glass, aluminum, paperboard or other non-plastic packaging! They also sell some local-made jams, jellies, and art work and they resale products from some brands I already know and love like Enviroscent and Marley's Monsters. Best of all, they had a nice refill station for laundry soap, dish soap, body wash, shampoo, conditioner, and hand soap. I've been yearning for a local place like this so I am so excited and I hope they thrive!
If you find yourself in northwest Arkansas, please check out and support Fox Petal Potions in Bella Vista! https://www.foxpetalpotions.com/
(Not affiliated!)
#nwarkansas #plasticfree #nowaste #lowwaste
✨ Hurra, ab morgen dann täglich Sport und Vokabeln lernen, weniger Work Meetings, öfter Freundinnen treffen, kein Fast Food, nichts Neues shoppen, noch weniger #lowwaste, mehr Gelassenheit und Geduld... ✨
Ich LIEBE meine #Vorsätze, nicht nur zu #Silvester 🖤
#lowwaste #vorsatze #silvester
🎄Iščete navdih za💚darila?
💡Nekaj predlogov za izvirna, trajnostna in #lowwaste 🎁vam ponujamo mi👇 #EUclimatepact @EUClimateAction
🐦🔗: https://n.respublicae.eu/EKvSloveniji/status/1605544181220356096
A #crossstitch #wip
I'm making this wee #penguin ornament for my offspring. The kit was #thrifted ages ago! So, this gift will be both #secondhand and #handmade 😁
#LowWaste #sustainable #SustainableGift
#crossstitch #wip #penguin #thrifted #secondhand #handmade #lowwaste #sustainable #sustainablegift
My beloved Blackberry Sage #tea from The Republic of Tea has arrived! Now it’s available as a #LooseLeafTea so I can drink tea and try to be less wasteful! 💗 ☕️ 🫖 #BlackberrySageTea #LowWaste #SipBySip
#sipbysip #lowwaste #blackberrysagetea #looseLeafTea #tea
Whilst eating lunch I realised that I have owned this container for 35 years. Bought in Kenya on my first trip outside Europe it's one of the best souvenirs I have ever purchased.
#souvenier #notsingleuseplastic #lowwaste
Low Waste Vanlife – mit dem Van nachhaltig unterwegs - TCS Schweiz
Avete mai usato Vinted? :chick_egg_hatch:
È una applicazione per vendere e comprare abiti usati online, ma anche accessori, giocattoli, scarpe e altro. Ci sono sia cose economiche che di marca.
Io ci ho comprato una vestaglia per un regalo mesi fa e ora ho preso questa borsa bellissima per me.
Prezzo onesto, spedizione rapida, consegna 4-5 giorni.
Consigliatissimo. 🌟🌟🌟
#shoppingetico #lowwaste #usedclothing #upcycle
Which dairy-free milk has the lowest environmental impact? #Vegan #LowWaste #ZeroWaste #Food
#vegan #lowwaste #zerowaste #food
I recommend checking out this video about #recycling, it's really good and has info I wish more people understood. If you like the video you may want to check out her channel to, sadly she is pretty liberal still politically but she has a lot of good info about #ZeroWaste / #LowWaste living, and the environment. I've learned a lot from her videos, and think y'all might too.
#recycling #zerowaste #lowwaste
For anyone who wants a #ZeroWaste / #LowWaste option for toilet paper, or just is having a hard time getting toilet paper still due to the pandemic I would really recommend checking out 'Who Gives A Crap'. They make 100% bamboo and recycled toilet paper shipped to your door.
In meinem Supermarkt wurde die Kaese- und Wursttheke gegen mehr Kuehlregale mit Plastikzeuch ausgetauscht. #LowWaste
@moagee stimmt, die hab ich mir auch gemacht, die stoffbeutel.
ich benutzte schon vorher grundsätzlich eine eigene wasserflasche, und habe nie unterwegs plastikflaschen gekauft.
heißgetränke "to go" kaufe ich eigentlich auch nie.
spüli bekomme ich zum glück im unverpacktladen aus einem riesigen kanister. weil selbstgemacht würde mich nicht überzeugen.
@moagee ich hab aufgehört, es zero waste zu nenne. ich nenn's jetzt #lowWaste weil müll gibts immer.
ich hab meinen plastikmüll immerhin so reduziert, dass der sack nur alle 2 monate runter getragen werden muss, und da sind noch "altlasten" bei, also früher eingekaufte packungen, die leer werden.
ich versuche so gut ich kann kein einwegplastik heim zu bringen und generell verpackungen zu reduzieren.
#gebloggt auf deutsch: müllvermeidungs-challenge tag 20 https://distels.wordpress.com/2019/01/20/muellvermeidungs-challenge-tag-20-second-hand/
#gebloggt #lesswaste #zerowastechallenge #lowwaste #lowimpact
#gebloggt über kompostieren, biogasanlagen und ehemalige gemeinschaftstgärten: https://distels.wordpress.com/2019/01/06/zw-challenge-tag-6-plane-zu-kompostieren/
#zerowastechallenge #lowwaste #lesswaste #zerowaste
#gebloggt #zerowastechallenge #lowwaste #lesswaste #zerowaste