Charlie McHenry · @CharlieMcHenry
264 followers · 314 posts · Server

Ocean dangers toot: Some serious earthquake activity over the last two days in the remote South Pacific. and region. Two major, high amplitude tremors, a Tsunami alert for the first, and some aftershocks. It’s only natural that Mother Nature (capitalized with intent) will try to balance a seriously unbalanced Earth, to restore some kind of homeostasis in the face of relentless attack and degradation by greedy, for-profit corporations and corrupt governments full of politicians profiteering for their share. No direct cause-effect implied but you get the point. I read today that Killer Whales, Orcas, are training themselves to attack boats after one was injured in European waters. Enough is enough. Let’s not turn the whole planet against us.

#loyaltyislands #newcaledonia #oceans #environment #seas #oceanography #zoology

Last updated 1 year ago