We end the night with beautiful poetry. Please enjoy #LittleCircleWaterSong by #LQuattrochi (Page 18) #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
(Pictured is rippling water, with a green and blue filter over the top of the picture. The title and byline are in black letting over the filters.)
#littlecirclewatersong #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #poetryspecial2023 #poetry #poetrycommunity #poet #poetrylovers
What is your dream, your desire? This poem sums up the dreams of the writer adding a qualifier. Enjoy! (Page 20) #WhenTheLightTouchesTheFeather by #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #AllTheColors #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
(Picture is of a feather on a blue background)
#whenthelighttouchesthefeather #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #allthecolors #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
What is your dream, your desire? This poem sums up the dreams of the writer adding a qualifier. Enjoy! (Page 20) #WhenTheLightTouchesTheFeather by #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #AllTheColors #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
#whenthelighttouchesthefeather #lquattrochi #mockingowlroost #allthecolors #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
We head toward the weekend with poetry from our new Special Issue, All the Colors. Are birthdays the same when life never seems to change. When others do not seem to see the beauty within? (Page. 6) #mockingowlroost #specialissue #allthecolors #LQuattrochi #ToShortChildrenOnTheirBirthdays #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity
(Picture of a child blowing dandelions, and a dandelion gone to seed. The background is a lime green.)
#mockingowlroost #specialissue #allthecolors #lquattrochi #toshortchildrenontheirbirthdays #poetry #poet #poetrycommunity