Thanks for following along to Lightning Safety Awareness Week! Remember, you can always find lightning info, safety tips, and resources at #LightningSafety #LSAW23
⚡️ #LSAW23
Day 7: #LightningSafety and Protecting Your Home
Your home can be protected against #lightning by lightning rods, while surge protectors can lower the risk of electrical surges and possible fires:…
#lsaw23 #LightningSafety #lightning #flwx #weatherready
Many times, a myth is a harmless anecdote passed down through time. But when it comes to lightning, myths may result in an increased risk of being struck. Here’s a fact check on some common lightning myths. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
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Day 6: #LightningSafety and Medical Effects on Victims
Did you know that not all people struck by #lightning are ultimately killed? More details on medical effects can be found here:…
#lsaw23 #LightningSafety #lightning #flwx #weatherready
Lightning strikes can result in death or serious injury. If you hear thunder or see lightning, take shelter in an enclosed building or a hard-topped vehicle with the windows up. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
Most lightning-related deaths occur when people are having fun outside. If you hear thunder or see lightning, immediately seek shelter in an enclosed building or vehicle. Remember, When Thunder Roars Go Indoors! #LightningSafety #LSAW23
⚡️ #LSAW23
Day 5: #LightningSafety and Sports Activities
About two-thirds of #lightning deaths occur during outdoor recreation or related activities. It is always important to head indoors as soon as you hear thunder -- it may save your life! #FLwx #WeatherReady
#lsaw23 #LightningSafety #lightning #flwx #weatherready
RT from TEMA (@T_E_M_A)
The @NWS saying goes, “when the thunder roars, go indoors,” but let’s talk about how our deaf and hard of hearing communities should “see a flash, dash inside!” If you, or someone you know, is hearing impaired, the linked video is a great resource.
Original tweet :
While the majority of people who are injured or killed by lightning are outside, a small percentage of people are injured by lightning while indoors. Therefore, it is important to discuss indoor lightning safety. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
⚡️ #LSAW23
Day 4: #LightningSafety Indoors
You are safest from #lightning while indoors with the windows closed or in a hard-topped vehicle. Also, avoiding certain devices and equipment is a safe bet, and more can be found here:…
#lsaw23 #LightningSafety #lightning #flwx #weatherready
Going camping? Check the forecast before you leave, have a source of weather info while you’re there, and always know where you will go to take shelter if a thunderstorm threatens. Remember, a tent is NOT safe from lightning. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
Outdoors is the most dangerous place to be during a thunderstorm. Each year, nearly all people in the United States who are injured or killed by lightning were involved in an outdoor activity. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
Lightning strikes the U.S. 25 million times a year? Know your safe places from lightning. You are safest indoors or inside a hard-topped enclosed vehicle. No place outside is safe during a thunderstorm. #LightningSafety #LSAW23
⚡️ #LSAW23
Day 3: #LightningSafety Outdoors
There is no safe place outside when thunderstorms are nearby. If you can hear thunder, you are likely within striking range of #lightning. Never hesitate to head inside when you hear thunder! #FLwx #WeatherReady
#lsaw23 #LightningSafety #lightning #flwx #weatherready
#DidYouKnow? There are different types of lightning! Learn more about them in the graphic below or by visiting… #LightningSafety #LSAW23
#didyouknow #LightningSafety #lsaw23
Thunder is the sound made by a flash of lightning. Energy from the lightning channel heats the air briefly to around 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit, much hotter than the surface of the sun, causing the air to explode outward! #LightningSafety #LSAW23
Do you know why lightning happens in the first place? Remember, When Thunder Roars, Go Indoors. See a Flash, Dash Inside. For more, check out this video!… #LightningSafety #LSAW23
⚡️ #LSAW23
Day 2: The Science Behind Lightning
Ever wondered causes #lightning? Take a look at the video below and following link for more info:…
#lsaw23 #lightning #flwx #weatherready
Check out these "deadly dozen" activities that contributed most to lightning fatalities since 2006. Is your favorite activity on the list? #LightningSafety #LSAW23