I went to #LSCITC last week, and it was pretty great! I gave a talk with @qsteenhuis, Margaret Hagan and Laurie Garber, and we got to soft launch (a still very alpha) https://ratemypdf.com, which will give you a slew of metrics to see if your PDF is complicated to fill out!
"Sometimes progress takes a step away from tradition." -- Kim Cramer at #LSCITC session on remote courts and E-filing #accesstojustice
Book mentioned during Remote Courts, Cell Phones, and E-filing #LSCITC session https://press.princeton.edu/books/ebook/9780691216638/power-to-the-public
Leveraging Regulatory Reform to Advance Access to Justice #LSCITC #acesstojustice http://bit.ly/i4Jregreform?r=qr
Lessons Learned from What's Next Text: Outcomes and Trouble Spots for Michigan Legal Help Visitors #LSCITC. Good session by Angela Tripp, Kim Cramer, Wilson Soprapto.
https://docs.google.com/gview?embedded=true&url=https%3A//whova.com/xems/whova_backend/get_event_s3_file_api/%3Fevent_id%3Dinnov_202301%26eventkey%3D950098075cae1c12eca62bac054211dc99055bfc7c52302fd0ca6bae9ed8e4ba%26file_url%3Dhttps%3A//d1keuthy5s86c8.cloudfront.net/static/ems/upload/files/1673891676_dyicv_1_29_Lessons_Learned_from_What_s_Next_Text_Outcomes_and_Trouble_Spots_for_MLH_Visitors.pdf (shared via Whova)
The Legal Services Corporation ITC conference is starting in Phoenix. Hashtag is #LSCITC on birdsite but maybe some will show up here too. If you're interested in how legal professionals use tech to deliver access to justice (not necessarily in ways connected to court system) check it out.
TIL about the concept and power of a "silver thread" - taking one client all the way through a journey early in development process.
Great talk about user centered design from #Truss CEO Everett Harper
#accesstojustice #a2j #usercentereddesign #lscitc23 #lscitc #Truss
#PhoenixAZ sure is beautiful this time of year! At Botanical Gardens with @brycew
Heading to the Legal Services Corporation #LSCITC conference in Phoenix, AZ. #accesstojustice #legaltech
#lscitc #accesstojustice #legaltech
Off to #lscitc 2023 with @brycew where I'll be on 3 different panels: sharing madeuptocode.org, soon to come product "ratemypdf" and talking about our @SuffolkLITLab Assembly Line project (https://suffolklitlab.org/docassemble-AssemblyLine-documentation/docs/)