@michael Hi Michael #lsepbs might eventually become a tag for Department stuff. #behaviouralpublicpolicy again another option. Using movetodon will let you find anyone you follow on twitter and follow them here in one click. Many of them will follow you back and you will then be largely up and running. Good to see you and look forward to comparing notes at some stage.
#lsepbs #behaviouralpublicpolicy
Contributed chapter to new LSE press book. Wellbeing: Alternative Policy Perspectives editors Timothy Besley, Irene Bucelli https://press.lse.ac.uk/site/books/e/10.31389/lsepress.well/
"Governments in liberal democracies pursue social welfare, but in many different ways. The wellbeing approach instead asks: Why not focus directly on increasing measured human happiness? Why not try to improve people’s overall quality of life, as it is subjectively seen by citizens themselves?"
Brilliant policy agenda with respect at its core #LsePbs
Working with some #lsepbs colleagues on a session on the usefulness of the concept of utility - perspectives from behavioral sciences, #behaviouralpublicpolicy, #socialpsychology & related. Designed to stimulate some discussion between various strands of social psych, applied economics, behavioural science people in our environment. Obvious #bunfight potential but fascinating already to hear the thoughts it evokes among people with different intellectual backgrounds.
#lsepbs #behaviouralpublicpolicy #socialpsychology #bunfight
Introduced Dr. Koji Yamamoto last week to #lsepbs for the launch of his new edited book "Stereotypes and Stereotyping in Early Modern England" https://manchesteruniversitypress.co.uk/9781526119131/ Fascinating to hear the panel Alex Gillespie, Koji Yamamoto, & Sandra Jovchelovitch discuss many issues at the interface of psychology, social representations, and history.
Along with PHD researcher Alexandra Kirienko, we run a weekly series "Behavioural Science and the Wider World" that connects #lsepbs staff and students to people working with behavioural research ideas across many countries and sectors. Hybrid events. Some sessions internal & many open to wider audience. Student projects & various other activities running in parallel with it. More details and mailing list sign-up here. https://www.lse.ac.uk/PBS/Research/Seminar-series/Behavioural-Science-and-the-Wider-World-seminar-series #BehaviouralScience #BehaviouralPublicPolicy
#lsepbs #behaviouralscience #behaviouralpublicpolicy
Along with PHD researcher Alexandra Kirienko, we run a weekly series "Behavioural Science and the Wider World" that connects #lsepbs staff and students to people working with behavioural research ideas across many countries and sectors. Hybrid events. Some sessions internal & many open to wider audience. Student projects & various other activities running in parallel with it. More details and mailing list sign-up here. #BehaviouralScience #BehaviouralPublicPolicy
#lsepbs #behaviouralscience #behaviouralpublicpolicy