#introduction Hi, I am a medical doctor from Germany, doing my residency in #InternalMedicine and I also have graduated from #LSHTM with an MSc in #publicHealth. I am also a #writer and love #poetry. I am interested in #nutritionalHealth, #EvidenceBasedMedicine, #PlantBasedDiet, #sports, #MentalHealth, #ClimateAndHealth. I am looking forward to many interesting discussions!
#introduction #InternalMedicine #lshtm #publichealth #writer #poetry #nutritionalhealth #EvidenceBasedMedicine #plantbaseddiet #sports #mentalhealth #climateandhealth
Great Visit to #LSHTM library with a sneaky peek of #SenateHouse See you at Graduation. #BirkbeckGraduation2023 April
#lshtm #senatehouse #birkbeckgraduation2023
#TodayAtWork I spent most of the day updating a #SystematicReview search. I had a wee tour of other libraries to search some databases at the #BritishLibrary and #UCL. It’s a review for the #CUSSH project https://projectcussh.org/. I’ve done a few searches for projects associated with the #LSHTM Centre for Planetary Health and they’re all really interesting and fun to create searches for.
#lshtm #cussh #ucl #britishlibrary #SystematicReview #todayatwork
Pleased to tell you I am still in the top 2% of the world's scientists as measured by citations (excluding self-citations) of publications over a whole career. Analysis by Stanford University, USA. I worked in #globalhealth before I retired from #lshtm and #lsbu in UK.
RT @TurkiMo94@twitter.com
A day to remember! Today, I have been awarded an MSc degree in Epidemiology with distinction from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine #LSHTM I went through unforgettable experience which will stay with me forever! ❤️
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/TurkiMo94/status/1598333939541856257
@asad thanks. I see you #epidemiology. I was at #lshtm for ten years before going to #lsbu. #urbanhealth was my field but retired many years ago. Still do a little…
#urbanhealth #lsbu #lshtm #epidemiology