Language servers, boosts welcome
Does anyone know of any language servers that use the notebook capabilities introduced in LSP 3.17? Do any clients actually implement it?
I've found the official documentation from MS, but I haven't really found much else beyond that.
It seems promising for one of my long-term projects but I'm not even sure I understand what exactly it does, and I'm pretty sure what I have in mind is far from its intended use case.
#qiita #slim #エディタ #neovim #Slim_Lint #LSP
#qiita #slim #エディタ #neovim #slim_lint #lsp
sadly it didnt work. i wonder if switching to eglot will fix things but i will have to take account #julialang #lsp for #emacs 🙃
anyway i wont use tramp. i can just use distrobox-export 😕but not ideal
@bahmanm I think the other way round, it was offering to build the LSP, for which it needs the #npm system. As #debian don't package the #lsp for #javascript I used a snap instead.
Mentre noi poltrivamo, godendoci una fetta d'anguria in spiaggia la domenica, è stata rilasciata la nuova versione del famoso editor libero #GNU #Emacs. Fra i numerosi miglioramenti per la produttività generale, ci sono un migliore supporto del touchpad e l'inclusione di eglot, un client #LSP.
#FOSS #Editor #Programming #Tools #Libre #OpenSource
#gnu #emacs #lsp #foss #editor #programming #tools #libre #opensource
@alternativeto Wake me when #JetBrains delivers #LSP support for languages outside of their bespoke “smart mode” ones
I use #intelephense as #lsp plugin in #neovim but I think @phpactor has some features it doesn't.
I tried it once before and can't recall why I went back to just intelephense. Possibly CPU/memory limitations.
Can anyone offer a comparison? Perhaps you use them both at once? How does that work out?
Today I learned that #LSP = "last step product", in the context of auto #detailing. #soappilled
Going back to #lsp-mode after testing #eglot for a couple of months.
I really liked the simplicity of eglot, but in some cases it was just too simple (as in, not providing features).
No semantic token highlighting is one example.
Trying to keep the lsp config minimal this time. But we'll see, maybe I'll go back to eglot again :/
PMs in Singapore don't seem to know the difference between #Norwegian and #Czech 🤦🏻. Or they just don't care.
Good luck with that.
#translation #Proz #JobPosting #xl8 #translators
#xl8freelancer #FreelanceTranslator #LSP #translator
#norwegian #czech #translation #proz #jobposting #xl8 #translators #xl8freelancer #freelancetranslator #lsp #translator #translatorwanted
@bitsavers @ceejbot What did @bbedit eshittify after v12.1.6 (the last to run under #macOS #ElCapitan)?
You’re really missing out on things like #regex pattern playgrounds, a separate notes window, #LSP support, and buckets of other improvements.
AFAIK the only #Apple-“inflicted” change was #security sandboxing #BBEdit so that it could also be sold on the #AppStore, but I don’t think that changed much user-facing functionality.
#macos #elcapitan #regex #lsp #apple #security #bbedit #appstore
Trying out #helix, coming from #neovim
There's some stuff that looks awesome (multiple cursors, select-within-selection). Some changes will be frustrating due to muscle memory. Some stuff is missing.
At mo, having problems getting helix to recognise that the #lsp #intelephense for #php is actually installed on the system...
Also I've installed as a flatpak and am annoyed I can't type `hx` but have to do `flatpak run com.helix_editor.Helix` (I can alias it, but I need to learn why I need to!)
#helix #neovim #lsp #intelephense #php
It turned out that Pyright, an LSP server implementation for Python, has components in both Python *and TypeScript*. On the first launch, the Python code will try to install npm packages, which of course fails on corporational workstations without an Internet connection.
Guess I'll just code using plain Emacs without LSP then.
Mike Rhodes, I don't know where you are, but I want to thank you for this blog post. It's gold.
"Neovim journey: using LSP without any plugins!"
I realize I'm lost about how to configure my #Lsp on #Neovim. It works. But I don't understand how everything works together.
I have neovim/nvim-lspconfig, williamboman/mason-lspconfig.nvim, VonHeikemen/lsp-zero.nvim
I would love a good article about the role of every plugin and how (for example) to switch from a server to another one for a specific language.
Any help appreciated ❤️
#LSP, to me, is the best example of how Microsoft has turned. From an evil, closed, monopolist, to a company that changes the industry through open source, open standards. Free to use, free as in freedom (and beer).
They still are a many-headed monster, though. Some of which are still pure evil, some incompetent. But the fact that they allow Open, Free, projects within their ranks, shows the change.
RT @lessanspages 💪🏾🧙♀️🏳️🌈
Pour savoir comment "adopter" des pages sur #Wikipedia :
👉Voici la liste complète des biographies orphelines de femmes :
👉Et la liste complète des articles orphelins #lessanspagEs
#gendergap #femmes #biographie #lsp #letsfillthegendergap #LesSansPages #wikipedia
RT @lessanspages 💪🏾🧙♀️🏳️🌈
Pour savoir comment "adopter" des pages sur #Wikipedia :
👉Voici la liste complète des biographies orphelines de femmes :
👉Et la liste complète des articles orphelins #lessanspagEs
#gendergap #femmes #biographie #lsp #letsfillthegendergap #LesSansPages #wikipedia
How do #Ruby #OpenSource developers work with projects that don't include an #LSP in their dependencies, but still get the benefits of ruby-lsp or sorbet's LSP? I don't want to maintain a delta against Gemfile.lock just to turn those on. Is there a way to configure #Bundler to add a host-only gem dependency that never gets included in Gemfile and Gemfile.lock?
#ruby #opensource #lsp #bundler