Wil eigenlijk een paar dingen van LTTstore.com bestellen. Maar zie nu tijdens de WAN show dat er nog best wel leuke dingen aan komen..... wacht ik af of bestel ik... #LTT #Shopping #Merch #LinusTechTips #LTTstorr
#lttstorr #linustechtips #merch #shopping #ltt
The first video from LTT since the crisis has just aired. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-ZXrJRpA0Jw
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp #eink #monitor
So a few days ago there was some outfall between #GamersNexus and #LTT about test methods and behaviour. Also other things. LTT took a break. Now they've started to put out videos again but I just can't bring myself to watch those any more. Especially since there have some more things been brought to light. So I unsubscribed from all LTT channels. Why do they always fall after they get big? It's a shame.
How appropriate for lessons learned week for #blaugust2023 and wrapping up my thoughts on the Linus Tech Tips drama.
#blaugust2023 #blaugust #ltt #linustechtips
Is this enough or is this "too little too late"?
Linus Sebastian addresses error handling and ethics in a new video https://www.theverge.com/2023/8/26/23846889/linus-tech-tips-gamersnexus-harassment-controversy-response
#lmg #linuxsebastian #ltt #errors #sa #youtube #technews
And we have a new video from Linus: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAE5KoyFEUo
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #Madison #suop #suuuoppp
#ltt #linus #linustechtips #gamersnexus #drama #madison #suop #suuuoppp
Das #Drama um #LinusTechTips wird wohl wie befürchtet im Winde verwehen. So etwas müsste eigentlich einen deutlicheren Impakt als 200.000 Abonnent:innen haben.
@allenstenhaus Linus needs to read and learn how to handle a massive fuck up like this. #LTT #Youtube
I hate to have opinions about how HR is done at companies I've never worked for or done business with, but the more I read about how Madison/Suop was treated at #LTT, the more I wonder why this James guy hasn't been fired years ago.
If I'm going to see that guy reading things from a teleprompter again, then I'm uninstalling the YouTube app from my TV.
It didn't take much of digging around...
#ltt #linustechtips #sexualharassment #lawsuit
#ltt #linustechtips #sexualharassment #lawsuit #channelsuperfun
The biggest thing that gets me about this #LinusMediaGroup thing is how bad must the working conditions be where someone felt they needed to record an HR meeting the day after Madison left. Seriously. The person who recorded this meeting must have known SOMETHING about Madison and her situation, or was experiencing the same.
In all my years of working for companies big and small, I have never felt the need to secretly record any meeting, let alone an HR meeting.
You know what else I haven't felt the need to do? Tell an inappropriate joke after an HR meeting.
#linusmediagroup #ltt #lmg #Madison #linustechtips
6 months ago somebody posted this HR meeting at #LTT, which happened a day after #Madison quit. Back then a bunch of fans called it unnecessary stiring of drama.
If you care about the topic or just want to see some toxic fans getting called out for their poor judgement, this is a good read.
Includes gems like this one:
You know when people say "this aged like (fine) wine" of something ageing (very) well and "this* aged like milk" when it ages badly?
(* often women, or things related to women, oddly enough**)
(** not oddly at all, it's just the same old misogyny as always)
I'm here to explain that wine ages to vinegar. In other words: it spoils.
Sure, vinegar indeed has its uses, but a salad, however nice, is quite far from a lovely glass of the good old red stuff, right? Right?
Milk, on the other hand ages to cheese. And cheese is lovely. Lovely! Cheese represents the good things in life! (And it goes great with something that hasn't spoiled to vinegar. Get it?)
Now. Let me show you something that spoiled like wine.
Do the kids still say "Big oof!" or am I just booming?
#linustechtips #ltt #agelikewine #bigoof
Tech Tip Linus now has Ian Miles Cheong in his corner and if that's not a damning indictment I don't know what is. #LTT
Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls. #LTT
WestVisions Stream schauen lohnt sich heute wirklich! Es gibt Drama, Baby! #LTT Und Fans von #Videotext kommen garantiert auch auf ihre Kosten! 😝 #amiga #retrocomputing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq1xjbrJoBI
#ltt #videotext #amiga #retrocomputing
So #ltt is pausing video production on ALL channels, to do an internal assessment, with an external investigator to help and publish the findings. I think, seeing what Maddison said, it’s going to take longer than a week to do this investigation/assessment.
Anyway that’s my go of it, so cya! No more LTT for me! :)
Linus Tech Tips pauses production as controversy swirls.
What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company to hire an outside investigator.
Link to thread:
#sexualharrassment #ltt #linustechtips