Gonna try using luakit for general browsing, see how it goes.
I have added Fanboy's Ulimate Blocking list, which gives it a 96% ad block rating. #luakit
The Luakit version in the Debian Bookworm repo seems a lot more usable than the one I used with Debian Bullseye? Very cool!
Would be even cooler if I could use vimb on Debian, but can't get it compiled.
Anyone working on a new browser engine?
Something that's definitely not Chromium.
I quite like Goanna and WebKit. Wish both had more devs behind it. Goanna is very light on resources though, but can struggle with these 6 TB perpetual JavaScript websites of today. #goanna #palemoon #luakit #Epiphany #Gnome
#goanna #palemoon #luakit #epiphany #gnome
the LuaKit browser goes so well with quarto-nvim; running QuartoPreview and placing it right next to the terminal is super nice. don’t need a mouse at all
#luakit users: cursed with 100% CPU when forced to browse github, too? Well, a #userscript to the rescue: https://blog.tfiu.de/what-to-do-when-github-eats-100-cpu-in-luakit.html
Luakit vs Qutebrowser.
Hmmm. It is a tough one.
Luakit uses Webkit and Qute uses QtWebEngine/Chromium.
What say you, fosstodon? #linux #luakit #qutebrowser
Cool beans!
There's also vim-vixen for Firefox, although I haven't tried it yet.
I really like #qutebrowser, but it's Blink-based, which is a deal-breaker for me.
#Luakit is #WebKit based, and very similar, but not quite as good.
@benjaminhollon @hyde @joel
Not sure why, but #Chromium is TONS faster on #OpenBSD than #luakit. :/
The #Wordpress rich text editor was an unusable lag fest on luakit on OpenBSD on my Thinkpad X200, but is pretty tolerable on Chromium.
OpenBSD is not an easy platform to write apps for, I guess. X-D
#chromium #openbsd #luakit #wordpress
My sit-on-the-couch computer is this #librebooted early 2010 Thinkpad X200t running #OpenBSD 7.2. I use it to run tut-tui (ssslowly), and do some *uber*-light web browsing with #w3m, #NetSurf, #luakit, sometimes #Dillo, and rarely, #Firefox and almost never #Chromium (even though it runs better than Firefox in OpenBSD* -- principles!!)
#librebooted #openbsd #w3m #netsurf #luakit #dillo #firefox #chromium
Trying out minimal web browsers again this morning. Luakit seems to be the only Webkit2-based browser that renders many websites correctly! Not sure how. Vimb and Surf have layout issues with sites like Codeberg and GitHub.
I think I'll spend some time with it and see how it goes.
Step 1: Use :settings to disable #JavaScript in #luakit
Step 2: Do some no-js stuff
Step 3: Use :settings to re-enable #JS when you need it
Step DIV_BY_ZERO: :settings does not work without JS
lol, Gnome Web is good.
But 'dat vi mode, tho'. Mmm... #luakit
(Although for strictly keyboard-only usage, I think qupzilla is a little better)
Look at a large file with that file manager, then look it up with ls -l. That'll tell you pretty quick.
Speaking of large files, egad, #luakit leaves MASSIVE 600MB dumps in my homedir and some garbage-filenames-with-unprintable-characters zero-byte files as well every time it crashes. :P
Love it, otherwise.
Really? Chromium seems to be the only *big* browser (ok, there's only two) that runs well on #OpenBSD.
Firefox has a *lot* of lag just opening a tab. I don't know if that's because of all the sweet Russian ballroom dances OBSD does with re-ordering RAM, or what. But I found ffox unusable on obsd.
And of course, I won't use #Chromium, but at least there's #luakit, which I'm really *loving* right now. It has replaced #suckless #surf, #qutebrowser, & #falkon
#openbsd #chromium #luakit #suckless #surf #qutebrowser #falkon
A little bit. It's in the Arch repos, but just crashed on ARM, so I played with it a little on my work machine, but didn't have a lot of time.
Currently playing with #luakit at @Charadon's suggestion. Really liking it, I only wish the cookies were stored in plain text like #Surf, rather than sqlite. I hope there's an easy commandline sqlite editor out there, because I was never much of a database guy. :D
@dnsprincess I loved #Firefox + #Vimperator / #Pentadactyl, back in the day, when they had better extension support.
I recently found #luakit and qutebrowser which scratch the itch of highly customizable hotkeys.
I've noticed #qutebrowser on Ubuntu 22.04 is much worse than 20.04 for battery life, I think due to the enhanced Qt5 features newer libraries allow by default.
I plan to explore luakit to see how it compares, but only recently learned of it.
#qutebrowser #luakit #pentadactyl #vimperator #firefox