@Toxic_Flange I use #lazy as the plugin manager and am very fond of it.
Now, onto the plugins: #TreeSitter of course, #NVimCmp for completion with #LuaSnip for snippets, #LspConfig and #Mason for easy-as-hell-config®.
There are also color schemes, I personnaly use and love #kanagawa.
You can have a look at what I use here if you want: https://gitlab.com/pcoves/nvim/-/blob/main/.config/nvim/lua/plugins/init.lua
Be sure not to copy paste as my setup might not feet your needs.
#lazy #treesitter #nvimcmp #luasnip #lspconfig #mason #kanagawa
Enfin réussi à me faire un snippet pour un frontmatter prérempli pour mes fichiers markdown.
Grâce a LuaSnip.
#neovim #lua #kickstart #luasnip
🖋️ On my #blog and now on Mastodon: https://cj.rs/blog/generating-snippets-with-luasnip/
A way to automatically generate a bunch of similar snippets with #LuaSnip and #neovim
💬 Feel free to comment here!
Been spending the last couple of days in a slideshow writing trance, preparing for workshop in Fulda, Germany in the end of the month. Holy fuck, I’m so, so impressed with #latex #beamer! Paired with #nvim, #vimtex and #luasnip it’s a dream setup.
#latex #beamer #nvim #vimtex #luasnip
Been banging my head against a #luasnip shaped wall all day... grrr... has anybody managed to make #nvim and #lsp work together to produce actual snippets? Preferably using #packer configuration... My plugin config is here, if anybody feel like taking a look and see where i have f**ked up: https://gitlab.com/kflak/dots/-/blob/main/nvim/lua/plugins.lua