📬 Cubbit: Digitale Souveränität und hohe Ausfallsicherheit, 80% günstiger als AWS
#Datenschutz #Empfehlungen #ITSicherheit #Webhosting #Cubbit #GaiaX #Geodistribution #LucidLink #Naviko #Synology #Veeam https://tarnkappe.info/artikel/it-sicherheit/datenschutz/cubbit-digitale-souveraenitaet-und-hohe-ausfallsicherheit-80-guenstiger-als-aws-280279.html
#datenschutz #empfehlungen #itsicherheit #webhosting #cubbit #gaiax #geodistribution #lucidlink #naviko #synology #veeam
Adobe, here’s a free billion dollar idea: Camera to Cloud but it puts clips directly into #Lucidlink. Please 🙏 #postchat
@vidcutter @felipebaez and I have worked with #LucidLink plenty.
✅ Use small files, we suggest proxies
❌ Advise against using LL as a home for original media
📌 Pinning folders is awesome but know that if you pin a parent you cannot unpin children folders seperately
💾 The LL cache should live on an SSD, not an HDD
🔗 Use the mount point feature so your filespace mounts with the same name on all devices, thus avoiding relinking
We may have reccomendations on media management as well if you need