I love the show Lucifer so I stopped by his Penthouse. Really wish I got to audition for that role. I would have been the top headshot on top of their reject pile
#lucifer #lucifermorningstar #lucifernetflix #luciferonfox #luciferfans #sunsettowerhotel #sunsettower
#lucifer #lucifermorningstar #LuciferNetflix #luciferonfox #luciferfans #sunsettowerhotel #sunsettower
Just completed this pencil portrait of Lucifer Morningstar (played by actor Tom Ellis) from Netflix show 'Lucifer'. Image is from a Season 3, Episode 1 screengrab. Character created by @neilhimself
A3 Daler Rowney Heavyweight Smooth paper, using Staedtler Mars Lumograph Black pencils.
#lucifermorningstar #tomellis #neilgaiman #lucifernetflix
Oh, thanks #Google you've updated a service called 'Device Health Services', which you tell me doesn't actually work on #Bytestar (my tablet), so yet another useless system app that I can't fucking remove!:*
I've now got it disabled.
In case you're wondering, it only does anything on my phone (#LuciferMorningstar), and even then it's hardly of any importance.
#google #Bytestar #lucifermorningstar #bloatware
In Ermangelung einer wirklich guten neuen TV-Serie, die ich bingen kann, starte ich hiermit offiziell das 6. Re-Watching von Lucifer Morningstar, diesmal im englischen Originalton - und was soll ich sagen ... fantastisch!
#lucifer #lucifermorningstar #serie #tvserie #bingen
#bingen #tvserie #serie #lucifermorningstar #lucifer
Stunning art from our magnificent Sofia
RT @SofiaFGrape
The Art Demons have had an unplanned open silk robe theme lately๐. I give you disheveled Luci on the dance floor. Oil on canvas.
Now go bow down to @neuralcluster for providing the gorgeous ref pic.
#fanart #LuciferNetflix #lucifermorningstar
#FanArt #lucifernetflix #lucifermorningstar
RT @charlottelrkane
MY LUCIFER PUZZLE BOOK IS LIVE! Have fun testing your knowledge and skills. There are even colouring pages! https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BYR894QS
#lucifer #LuciferNetflix #lucifermorningstar #puzzles #puzzling #puzzlebooks #puzzlebook #brainteasers #colouring
#Lucifer #lucifernetflix #lucifermorningstar #puzzles #puzzling #puzzlebooks #puzzlebook #brainteasers #colouring
So, I'm considering getting rid of the #BBCNews app on #ByteStar might even remove it from #LuciferMorningstar
Anyone any thoughts on alternative news apps for someone in the UK. Reuters news app any good?:*
#bbcnews #Bytestar #lucifermorningstar
@Bernardamus I use #Tusky on this tablet, (#ByteStar) and #Megalodon on my phone (#LuciferMorningstar). I've used #Fedilab in the past, on both.
Up to you, if you like the way the official app looks, go for Megalodon, as it'll be familiar (it's a fork with added features). If you like the looks of Tusky, go for that.
They are both good apps.
#tusky #Bytestar #megalodon #lucifermorningstar #fedilab
And as Lucifer once said: "R" for reverse, not "really fast".
#lucifer #lucifermorningstar #lucifernetflix
#LuciferNetflix #lucifermorningstar #lucifer
Aamutรคhti hyvรคksytรครคn etunimeksi mutta Ukonvaajaa ei? ๐ค #LuciferMorningStar
And the final pics of our #DIY #Sandman #ChristmasTree. #LuciferMorningstar will now be our tree topper ever year.
#christmastree #diy #lucifermorningstar #sandman
#Bytestar is live streaming #VirginOrbit while on charge, and I've got connected Bluetooth cans on while posting on #LuciferMorningstar
In case anyone wondered (;*
#Bytestar #virginorbit #lucifermorningstar
Not long finished watching Lucifer season 5 episode 15 and bloody hell I don't think I've ever cried so much during one episode of a TV show.
#lucifernetflix #lucifans #lucifermorningstar #lucifer
loli charlie x lucifer
#hazbinhotel #charliemorningstar #lucifermorningstar #incest #fatheranddaughter #lolicon #loli
#hazbinhotel #charliemorningstar #lucifermorningstar #incest #fatheranddaughter #lolicon #loli
loli charlie x lucifer
#lolicon #hazbinhotel #charliemorningstar #lucifermorningstar #incest #fatheranddaughter
#lolicon #hazbinhotel #charliemorningstar #lucifermorningstar #incest #fatheranddaughter
I'm so looking forward to Lucifer's arc in season 2
#thesandmancomics #thesandmannetflix #thesandmanfanart #lucifer #lucifermorningstar #lucifersandman #gwendolinechristie #thesandman #sandman #sandmanfanart #sandmancomics #sandmannetflix
#sandmannetflix #sandmancomics #sandmanfanart #sandman #thesandman #gwendolinechristie #lucifersandman #lucifermorningstar #lucifer #thesandmanfanart #TheSandmanNetflix #thesandmancomics
RT @starmiaofairy@twitter.com
I definitely had to draw Lucifer telling Little Charlie the story of The Ugly Duckling but how Patrick told SpongeBob about The Ugly Barnacle in SpongeBob ๐!! @BentoBoxEnt@twitter.com #HazbinHotel #HazbinHotelLucifer #LuciferMorningstar #CharlieMorningstar
๐ฆ๐: https://twitter.com/starmiaofairy/status/1598809827069030400
#hazbinhotel #hazbinhotellucifer #lucifermorningstar #CharlieMorningstar
What a nice rubber duck you got there
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Shoutout to my Patreon supporters:
Esteban Felix, ThePkmnYPerson, Christopher Mason, Sam Fimple, Mattthiamore, Amazingangus76, RealGilbertGan, Robert Grgic, DOCTORKHANblog, PowerRCP-G3, TheVHM108
#SMG4 #HazbinHotel #Tari #MetaRunner #Lucifer #LuciferMorningstar #MyArt #FanArt
#smg4 #hazbinhotel #tari #metarunner #lucifer #lucifermorningstar #myart #fanart
Demon Lord Lucifer
From the manga/manhua I became an S ranked hunter using the Demon Lord's app
Character made by me in Gacha Club
#ibecameansrankedhunterusingthedemonlordsapp #demonlordlucifer #lucifermorningstar #lucifer #gachaclub
#gachaclub #lucifer #lucifermorningstar #demonlordlucifer #ibecameansrankedhunterusingthedemonlordsapp