🪷 10 July 138 AD #Hadrian died after 8 years of grieving for #Antinous. His hand-picked successors #AntoninusPius, #LuciusVerus, #MarcusAurelius promoted the religion of #Antinoos and ushered in Rome's final Golden Age. We mourn even as we rejoice: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-day-hadrian-died.html 🪷
#Hadrian #antinous #antoninuspius #luciusverus #marcusaurelius #antinoos
🪷 10 July 138 AD #Hadrian died after 8 years of grieving for #Antinous. His hand-picked successors #AntoninusPius, #LuciusVerus, #MarcusAurelius promoted the religion of #Antinoos and ushered in Rome's final Golden Age. We mourn even as we rejoice: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-day-hadrian-died.html 🪷
#Hadrian #antinous #antoninuspius #luciusverus #marcusaurelius #antinoos
🪷 10 July 138 AD #Hadrian died after 8 years of grieving for #Antinous. His hand-picked successors #AntoninusPius, #LuciusVerus, #MarcusAurelius promoted the religion of #Antinoos and ushered in Rome's final Golden Age. We mourn even as we rejoice: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/07/the-day-hadrian-died.html 🪷
#Hadrian #antinous #antoninuspius #luciusverus #marcusaurelius #antinoos
🪷 When #AntoninusPius died 7 March 161 AD, #MarcusAurelius & #LuciusVerus became co-Emperors. As the elder, Marcus was given the title Augustus. #Lucius #Verus was called Caesar. They are the only example of effective imperial co-rulership in Rome: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-ascension-of-marcus-aurelius-and.html 🪷
#antoninuspius #marcusaurelius #luciusverus #lucius #Verus
🪷 When #AntoninusPius died 7 March 161 AD, #MarcusAurelius & #LuciusVerus became co-Emperors. As the elder, Marcus was given the title Augustus. #Lucius #Verus was called Caesar. They are the only example of effective imperial co-rulership in Rome: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2023/03/the-ascension-of-marcus-aurelius-and.html 🪷
#antoninuspius #marcusaurelius #luciusverus #lucius #Verus
Roman Emperor #LuciusVerus was born 15 Dec 130 AD, just weeks after #Antinous died. As a boy he was hand-picked by #Hadrian to be future co-ruler with #MarcusAurelius after #AntoninusPius. A wise choice! #Gorgon #Medusa peers from #Lucius #Verus' cloak to fend off foes: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/12/birth-of-divine-lucius-verus.html
#luciusverus #antinous #Hadrian #marcusaurelius #antoninuspius #gorgon #medusa #lucius #Verus
Roman Emperor #LuciusVerus was born 15 December 130 AD, just weeks after #Antinous died. As a boy he was hand-picked by #Hadrian to be future co-ruler with #MarcusAurelius after #AntoninusPius. A wise choice! #Lucius #Verus died 1 March 161 AD. More: https://antinousstars.blogspot.com/2022/12/birth-of-divine-lucius-verus.html
#luciusverus #antinous #Hadrian #marcusaurelius #antoninuspius #lucius #Verus