Another day for mowing. It's getting hot out there so gotta be careful. Started with the new Bully and pulling some weeds and went from there.
#mowday #mowmetal #music #bully #luckyforyou #highonfire #electricmessiah #blackbreath #slavesbeyonddeath #allpigsmustdie #hostageanimal
#mowday #mowmetal #music #bully #luckyforyou #HighOnFire #electricmessiah #blackbreath #slavesbeyonddeath #allpigsmustdie #hostageanimal
Best rock album release of the day (sorry Foo fans). Bully and Alicia Bognanno may not be doing the type of music that is relevant anymore, but gaw'damn they do a helluva job with it. Gets your blood pumping.
#freshmusicfridays #music #bully #aliciabognanno #luckyforyou
#freshmusicfridays #music #bully #aliciabognanno #luckyforyou