Yas! Homer and Hadley Hawthorne from The O.C. would be so dope together! #TheOC #OC #Homer #ChrissAnglin #HadleyHawthorne #LucyHale
#theOC #oc #homer #chrissanglin #hadleyhawthorne #lucyhale
See Trailer for Rom-Com Puppy Love, starring Lucy Hale and Grant Gustin, mismatched dog owners who become unexpected co-parents. Premiering on Freevee this August.
#puppylove #grantgustin #lucyhale
#mustlovedogs #freevee #movies
#puppylove #grantgustin #lucyhale #mustlovedogs #freevee #movies
We all know that Katie and Cheryl from How I Met Your Mother are endgame. #HIMYM #HowIMetYourMother #Katie #LucyHale #Cheryl #NancyLenehan
#himym #howimetyourmother #katie #lucyhale #cheryl #nancylenehan
Like this tweet if you want Hadley Hawthorne and Kurt Williams from The O.C. to smooch. I'm trying to see something. #TheOC #OC #HadleyHawthorne #LucyHale #KurtWilliams #RobBrownstein
#theOC #oc #hadleyhawthorne #lucyhale #kurtwilliams #robbrownstein
THE GEMINI LOUNGE: Vertical Entertainment Picks Up Mob Drama Featuring Lucy Hale
#FilmBook #MovieNews #AshleyGreene #EmileHirsch #LucyHale #MovieNews #TheGeminiLounge #VerticalEntertainment
#filmbook #movienews #ashleygreene #emilehirsch #lucyhale #thegeminilounge #verticalentertainment
I dunno man this day is gonna suck; starting with a bit of Lucy Hale for my own sanity.
Good morning