AI should be regulated like medicine and nuclear power: UK minister - A minister from the United Kingdom's opposition party says AI sho... - #artificialintelligence #threatstohumanity #airegulations #labourparty #lucypowell #politics #britain #ailaws #ai #uk
#uk #ai #ailaws #britain #politics #lucypowell #labourparty #airegulations #threatstohumanity #artificialintelligence
Not a brilliant initial reaction from some members of the Shadow Cabinet let alone the reputed #godfather of the #NEC but at least #LucyPowell the relevant Shadow Minister made the right call.
Hope the #LabourParty media operation can learn from this.
#godfather #NEC #lucypowell #labourparty
📬 Rundfunkgebühren: Großbritannien kündigt Ende der BBC-Beitragsgebühren an #Artikel #BBC #großbritannien #JamieStone #LucyPowell #NadineDorries #OperationRedMeat #Rundfunkgebühren
#rundfunkgebühren #OperationRedMeat #nadinedorries #lucypowell #JamieStone #großbritannien #bbc #artikel