Kotaku: I Love 'The Worst' Video Game Ranking List Of All Time https://kotaku.com/i-love-the-worst-video-game-ranking-list-of-all-time-1850170583 #gaming #tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #charliebrooker #creativeworks #marioodyssey #lucyprebble #helenlewis #videogames #mariokart #farcry4 #mario #suzie
I'd like to recommend a TV series: #IHateSuzie (8 episodes in the first season) and #IHateSuzieToo (3 episodes in the second season).
The show, created by the writer Lucy Prebble and the star Billie Piper, is brilliant, sad, funny, stark, dramatic, and not for everyone.
#IHateSuzieToo shows something remarkable: a woman giving herself a medication abortion. I've never seen that on the screen or in real life, and it played out just as I expected.
#billiepiper #lucyprebble #ihatesuzietoo #ihatesuzie
IN THE MOUTH OF MADNESS: #BilliePiper is at it again - bearing emotional scars in public on #SkyAtlantic & #HBOMax on #IHateSuzieToo. But does her and Lucy Prebble's three episode drama about celebrity hit the heights of the previous series?.. https://loveitinpomona.blogspot.com/2022/12/in-mouth-of-madness-i-hate-suzie-too.html #lucyprebble #dance #celebrity #socialmedia #ihatesuzie #mentalhealth #tabloids #scandal #custodybattle #meltdown #publiceye #realitytv #Joker #danielings #phildaniels
#billiepiper #skyatlantic #hbomax #ihatesuzietoo #lucyprebble #dance #celebrity #socialmedia #ihatesuzie #mentalhealth #tabloids #scandal #custodybattle #meltdown #publiceye #RealityTV #Joker #danielings #phildaniels
My review of #IHateSuzieToo, the stunning coda to #LucyPrebble and #BilliePiper's 2020 masterpiece:
#billiepiper #lucyprebble #ihatesuzietoo
My review of #IHateSuzieToo, the stunning coda to #LucyPrebble and #BilliePiper's 2020 masterpiece: ew.com/tv/tv-reviews/…
#billiepiper #lucyprebble #ihatesuzietoo