On the impact that Generative AI could have in the intellectual development of human kind.
Article published in WSJ by Henry Kissinger, Eric Schmidt and Daniel Huttenlocher.
The authors have written a book about the topic that @Mer__edith and #LucySuchman review here, exposing a hidden agenda of the authors:
As an antidote to the Eric Schmidt x Henry Kissinger x Dan Huttenlocher ChatGPT hyping oped currently circulating, I offer #LucySuchman and my review of the trio's AI hyping book
How to not make photocopiers from humans
#onlinelearning #digitalliteracies #onlineclasses #lucysuchman #machinelearning #configurablemachines
#configurablemachines #machinelearning #lucysuchman #onlineclasses #digitalliteracies #onlinelearning