My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #RootsManuva #Sizzla #Ludicra #Ails #TonkynPearson #SuperFurryAnimals #BillyNomates #DeadBoys #RichardHell #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#rootsmanuva #sizzla #ludicra #ails #tonkynpearson #SuperFurryAnimals #billynomates #deadboys #richardhell #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #AmadeusPaulussen #RootsManuva #SvenRÃ¥nlund #RichardLloyd #GratefulDead #Ludicra #Mudhoney #TriumCirculorum #ATribeCalledQuest #DeadBoys #FfaCoffiPawb #GiantSand #Polylith #ElvisCostello #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#amadeuspaulussen #rootsmanuva #svenranlund #richardlloyd #gratefuldead #ludicra #mudhoney #triumcirculorum #atribecalledquest #deadboys #ffacoffipawb #giantsand #polylith #elviscostello #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
Since they’re on the brink of playing the last show of this sporadic reunion year, i.e. their last show EVER, I’m compelled to offer #Ludicra for #BlackMetalMonday.
Genre-stretching, women-led, imo one of the best bands this country has ever produced. 🖤
Ludicra announce first NYC show in 13 years, with Sonja #2023_03_30 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #ludicra #sonja
#2023_03_30 #brooklynvegan #andrew_sacher #heavy_metal_news #music_news #tour_dates #ludicra #sonja
Just ran into this beautiful piece from 2011 about the break up of Ludicra, who were not my favorite band at the time solely because I hadn’t heard of them yet. 🖤
#blackmetal #sanfrancisco #ludicra
My #LastFm #Winamp & #Spotify top albums chart from the previous week:
#ParadiseLost #Blodsrit #Ancient #Darkthrone #Katatonia #Koldbrann #Moonspell #Dolorian #Horna #MyDyingBride #Watain #Gehenna #Grab #HellMilitia #Immortal #JudasIscariot #Craft #Endezzma #Ludicra #Nifelheim #diSEMBOWELMENT #Mortuus #Krallice #AshBorer #Natt
#natt #ashborer #krallice #mortuus #disembowelment #nifelheim #ludicra #endezzma #craft #judasiscariot #immortal #hellmilitia #grab #gehenna #Watain #MyDyingBride #Horna #dolorian #moonspell #Koldbrann #katatonia #darkthrone #ancient #blodsrit #paradiselost #spotify #winamp #lastfm
Some action shots by Todd Sipes from our show last Saturday! Next up for #Deathgrave is this Saturday at #Greatamericanmusichall w/ #ludicra & #funeralchant
One last ripper of a show before the year ends. Such an honor to play w/ Ludicra once more. #metal #grindcore #blackmetal #deathmetal
#Deathgrave #Greatamericanmusichall #ludicra #funeralchant #metal #grindcore #blackmetal #deathmetal