"When I came home I expected a surprise and there was no surprise for me, so of course, I was surprised." — Ludwig Wittgenstein — — — #LudwigWittgenstein #quote #quotes #quip #snarky #surprise #philosophy #anticipation #humor #humorous
#ludwigwittgenstein #quote #quotes #quip #snarky #surprise #philosophy #anticipation #humor #humorous
Les frontières de mon langage sont les frontières de mon monde.
#LudwigWittgenstein / Tractatus logico-philosophicus (1918)
#LudwigWittgenstein. #LennieTristano
Which view did these two pioneers of their respective fields have in common and pass on (mutatis mutandis) to their students. (Too much of a clue already!) #Pedagogy #Jazz #Philosophy
#philosophy #Jazz #pedagogy #LennieTristano #ludwigwittgenstein
A Century of Serious Difficulty - Boston Review
#jamesjoyce #ludwigwittgenstein #tseliot
Useless quote for 20 December 2022:
6.373 "Die Welt ist unabhängig von meinem Willen."
(The world is independent of my will.)
~ Ludwig Wittgenstein
#uselessquote #ludwigwittgenstein
2011. Marzo. En #FilosofiPods entrevistábamos por entonces al profesor e investigador Juan José Acero (#UniversidaddeGranada) sobre #LudwigWittgenstein, y la relación entre #lenguaje y #pensamiento:
#FilosofiPods #universidaddegranada #ludwigwittgenstein #lenguaje #pensamiento
If night dreams have a similar function to day dreams, then they serve in part to prepare men for any possibility (even the worst).
Culture and Value, 412
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
If night dreams have a similar function to day dreams, then they serve in part to prepare men for any possibility (even the worst).
Culture and Value, 412
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
If night dreams have a similar function to day dreams, then they serve in part to prepare men for any possibility (even the worst).
Culture and Value, 412
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
#ludwigwittgenstein #wittgenstein
"If people never did silly things nothing intelligent would ever get done." #LudwigWittgenstein
Was sind eure #deutsch-sprachigen Lieblings-Philosoph:innen? Lebend, tot, egal.
Für mich sind das #FriedrichNietzsche und #LudwigWittgenstein. Aber ich mach auch Systemtheorie 😉
#deutschdonnerstag #deutsch #friedrichnietzsche #ludwigwittgenstein
Hello #thomasbernhard #ludwigwittgenstein #jeanpaulsartre #irismurdoch #rainermariarilke #friederickemayröcker #ingeborgbachmann #oscarwilde #marialassnig #artemisiagentileschi #johncoltrane #aristotle #miles #simonedebeauvoir #paris #fsfitzgerald #wolfgangamadeusmozart
are you there ?
#thomasbernhard #ludwigwittgenstein #jeanpaulsartre #irismurdoch #rainermariarilke #friederickemayröcker #ingeborgbachmann #oscarwilde #marialassnig #artemisiagentileschi #johncoltrane #aristotle #miles #simonedebeauvoir #paris #fsfitzgerald #wolfgangamadeusmozart