Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #12 – “Give Pyramids a Chance” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-12-give-pyramids-a-chance/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #frattali #piramidi #toltechi #ufologia #maestro #alieni #ottany #lue #ufo
#LezioniUniversalid #frattali #piramidi #toltechi #ufologia #maestro #alieni #ottany #lue #ufo
We have released version 0.3.6 of LUE. Highlights:
- We added a number of zonal operations (e.q. `zonal_mean`, `zonal_majority`)
- We added the kinematic wave, for simulating the transportation of water through a stream network
- We added the `lue.pcraster` Python subpackage to ease porting PCRaster models to LUE.
By default, all LUE operations use all CPU cores in all computers accessible to them.
#hpc #mapalgebra #gis #python #cpp #lue
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #10 – “Veglie” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-10-veglie/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #pseudoscienza #oninoronauti #sognilucidi #ufologia #maestro #alieni #ottany #wombat #sogni #lue #lux #ufo
#LezioniUniversalid #pseudoscienza #oninoronauti #sognilucidi #ufologia #maestro #alieni #ottany #wombat #sogni #lue #lux #ufo
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #9 – “Genesis” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-9-genesis/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #lezioniuniversalidiesistenza #sangiovannibattista #maurobiglino #radiowombat #solaristica #annunaki #biglino #maestro #sanremo #alieni #elohim #genesi #ottany #wombat #dusa #lue #ufo
#LezioniUniversalid #lezioniuniversalidiesistenza #sangiovannibattista #maurobiglino #radiowombat #solaristica #annunaki #biglino #maestro #sanremo #alieni #elohim #genesi #ottany #wombat #dusa #lue #ufo
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #7 – “Frontalieri” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-7-frontalieri/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #lezioniuniversalidiesistenza #terrapiattismo #terracavismo #spiritismo #pistoiese #ufologia #maestro #ottany #dusa #seti #vril #lue #ufo #wow
#wow #ufo #lue #vril #seti #dusa #ottany #maestro #ufologia #pistoiese #spiritismo #terracavismo #terrapiattismo #lezioniuniversalidiesistenza #LezioniUniversalid
Gute Zusammenfassung von Luisa Neubauer zum Thema #Lue auf #RND
Luisa Neubauer zu Lützerath: „Völlig unklar, wie jemals wieder Klimaziele eingehalten werden können“.
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #6 – “Il professore” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-6-il-professore/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #trasmigrazione #piramidi #ufologia #maestro #malanga #misteri #ottany #lue
#lue #ottany #misteri #malanga #maestro #ufologia #piramidi #trasmigrazione #LezioniUniversalid
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #5 – “Selene” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-5-selene/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #psudoscienza #allunaggio #armstrong #ufologia #maestro #ottany #luna #lue #ufo
#ufo #lue #luna #ottany #maestro #ufologia #armstrong #allunaggio #psudoscienza #LezioniUniversalid
Lezioni Universali di Esistenza #2 – “Rocket-man” https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-di-esistenza-2-rocket-man/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #antigravidazione #retroingegneria #propulsioni #rocket-man #moscovium #boblazar #ufologia #maestro #ottany #grigi #lazar #lue
#lue #lazar #grigi #ottany #maestro #ufologia #boblazar #moscovium #rocket #propulsioni #retroingegneria #antigravidazione #LezioniUniversalid
A next example of using LUE shows how to calculate the Conway's Game of Life cellular automaton, in parallel.
#LUE #Python #GIS #MapAlgebra #CellularAutomata #HighPerformanceComputing
#HighPerformanceComputing #cellularautomata #mapalgebra #gis #python #lue
The upcoming release of the LUE Conda package will have support for reading and writing rasters formatted as Geotiff. I have put a simple example online of using LUE to calculate erodibility using the USLE equation:
#LUE #Python #GIS #MapAlgebra #FieldBasedModelling #HighPerformanceComputing
#HighPerformanceComputing #FieldBasedModelling #mapalgebra #gis #python #lue
A few days ago, we released a Conda package containing the full LUE software package, including the field-based modelling framework. Lots of stuff still missing, but this will allows users to install a high-performant parallel map algebra engine using a simple `conda install -c conda-forge lue`.
#LUE #Python #Conda #GIS #MapAlgebra #FieldBasedModelling #HighPerformanceComputing
#HighPerformanceComputing #FieldBasedModelling #mapalgebra #gis #conda #python #lue
Last week my co-authors and I published a paper in the Computers & Geosciences journal about "The scalability and composability of flow accumulation algorithms based on asynchronous many-tasks".
The algorithms can be called from Python and scale well over multiple CPU cores and cluster nodes.
My name is Kor de Jong. I am a research software engineer at Utrecht University (Netherlands) and work on a modelling framework called LUE. This is a free to use and open source software package for developing large computer models for simulating geographical processes. It is currently in alpha stage, but I hope it will become useful to more people during the coming months.
Here, I plan to toot messages related to the development of this framework.
Lezioni Universali d’Esistenza #1 https://radiowombat.net/lezioni-universali-desistenza-1/ #LezioniUniversalid'Esistenza #viaggispaziali #ufologia #maestro #lue #ufo
#ufo #lue #maestro #ufologia #viaggispaziali #LezioniUniversalid