Ten years ago I was working on a project in York and took this on my daily cycle to the University. A happy #Lughnasadh to those who celebrate.
#Lughnasadh and #Imbolc today for those who mark the cross-quarters (between Solstice and Equinox).
I'm thinking about the in between.
The growing and waning.
How we can be both at the same time.
What that energy feels like.
#lammas #lughnasadh
La moisson me semble amère
Pluie et solitude cette année
Dans un camping un peu cheap, même si tout le monde est bien sympathique
Ma dernière fille dort à côté de moi
Je me demande ce que je fous là
Sur ce réseau social et dans ma vie
Comme d'hab' kwa
Est-ce que vous croyez encore à la possibilité de vivre heureux sur cette planète déchirée ?
Est-ce que la paix reste un horizon selon vous ?
Reboost et réponses compréhensives bienvenues
Old witch thoughts on #Lughnasadh
I always like to remember that this holiday is a ✨vibes✨ holiday. It doesn't mark a specific celestial or astrological event.
The date is somewhat arbitrary, being tied to a euro-centric, older agriculture calendar. Our modern situation with climate change, and those of us in NA may find that date doesn't work for us.
I tend to celebrate these holidays over a week or so. Not just one day. When it feels right. 🌾🍞
#lughnasadh #witchcraft #pagan
Old witch thoughts on #Lughnasadh
I always like to remember that this holiday is a ✨vibes✨ holiday. It doesn't mark a specific celestial or astrological event.
The date is somewhat arbitrary, being tied to a euro-centric, older agriculture calendar. Our modern situation with climate change, and those of us in NA may find that date doesn't work for us.
I tend to celebrate these holidays over a week or so. Not just one day. When it feels right.
#lughnasadh #witchcraft #pagan
Happy Lughnasadh! I lit a candle for Lugh, with some chamomile from my patio garden, plus some solar energy oil I just made a batch of 💚
(I just added the Solar oil to my Etsy shop - https://www.etsy.com/ca/shop/confusedduckpress ). (Ugh self promotion is haaaard)
Wishing all a joyous and blessed feast of first fruits this August 1st!
💐 Freyfaxi (Heathenry / Asatru)
🌻 Hoietfescht (Urglaawe)
☀️ Lammas* / Lughnasadh (Celtic / Pagan / Wiccan)
🍞 Loaf Mass Day (Catholic)
🌼 Pachamama Raymi ("Mother Earth feast" in Andean tradition)
Image: Lammas - Lughnasadh Painting by Nichol Skaggs
#Freyfaxi #Heathen #Hoietfescht #Urglaawe #Lammas #Lughnasadh #Celtic #Pagan #Wiccan #LoafMass #Catholic #PachamamaRaymi #MotherEarthFeast #Andean
#andean #motherearthfeast #pachamamaraymi #catholic #loafmass #wiccan #pagan #celtic #lughnasadh #lammas #urglaawe #hoietfescht #heathen #freyfaxi
Lammas greetings to you all 🌿
If you made, or are going to make, some bread today to celebrate Lughnasadh/Lammas, I would love to hear about it!
This is my special little loaf for Freyr.
🇩🇪 Nach einem Monat ausgiebiger Recherche habe ich nun endlich den dritten Artikel in meiner Serie über keltische Jahresfeste fertig. Diesmal geht es um #Lughnasadh, dem keltischen Fest zu Beginn der Ernte.
🇬🇧 After one month of extensive research, I've finally finished the third article in my series about #Celtic seasonal festivals. This time, it's about Lughnasadh, the Celtic festival at the beginning of the harvest.
#Tumblr Post (ENG): https://ideas-on-paper.tumblr.com/post/724471705160105984/celtic-seasonal-festivals-part-3-lughnasadh
#lughnasadh #celtic #pagan #paganism #ireland #tumblr
Happy #Lughnasadh / #Lammas
What are you personally harvesting from the seeds you sowed at the beginning of this year? What do you have in abundance? What are you grateful for?
#pagan #mindfulness #nature #lammas #lughnasadh
🐇 Rabbit rabbit! 🐇
🌝 Blessed Full Moon! 🌝
🌾 Merry Lughnasadh! 🌾
May you never hunger, may you never thirst.
Want to learn more about celebrating this magical #sabbat that was so important to our #ancestors ?
Lots of lore and more on my blog today (the Seasonal Lore in my Quick 🔗s ). Or go directly to:
#paganism #lughnasadh #firstharvest #abundance #seasonoflughnasadh #summersend #magick #paganrituals #witchcraft
#sabbat #ancestors #paganism #lughnasadh #firstharvest #abundance #seasonoflughnasadh #summersend #magick #paganrituals #witchcraft
This week, the #Tarot intertwines with the #FirstHarvest festival of #Lughnasadh by highlighting the ways we are called to make our living .. or at least express our creativity.
With some "cosmic intensity" headed our way, as astrologer Lorna Bevan cautions us, we are offered ways to stay grounded and peaceful, regardless of events.
Which, any casual glance at the headlines will tell us, is going to be important.
Stop by and add your comments:
#Tarot #firstharvest #lughnasadh
Wishing you an abundant harvest with more than enough to share.
#NowPlaying #music #filk #folk #lughnasadh #lammas
Another song for Lammas, by a dear friend. Talis Kimberly, "Corn Jenny"
#nowplaying #music #filk #folk #lughnasadh #lammas
Blessings of Lughnasadh, the First Harvest. The afternoon light is getting longer, more amber, hazier. The vegetables are getting mature, the berries are in the freezer. The herbs are flowering. The moon looks smokey against the night sky.
#lughnasadh #haillugh #thefirstharvest #oldgods