Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: As Austin Butler and Kaia Gerber Make Out Everywhere, Twitter Takes Up Arms for Vanessa Hudgens #Jezebel #entertainment2cculture #hiselvispresley #vanessahudgens #cindycrawford #humaninterest #austinbutler #colinfarrell #elvispresley #sofiacoppola #petedavidson #bazluhrmann #kaiagerber #priscilla #musicians #luhrmann #singers #albums #elvis #kelly #baz #v
#jezebel #entertainment2cculture #hiselvispresley #vanessahudgens #cindycrawford #humaninterest #austinbutler #colinfarrell #elvispresley #sofiacoppola #petedavidson #bazluhrmann #kaiagerber #priscilla #musicians #luhrmann #singers #albums #elvis #kelly #baz #v
The #Luhrmann case has been corrupted from the PM’s office down. Political power & law enforcement used to protect a decomposing government at any cost.
Think we’ve found our next Royal Commission target folks.