Eva · @avadesordre
259 followers · 2923 posts · Server mastodon.uno
settima · @12pt9
88 followers · 404 posts · Server social.horrorhub.club
ValTagliaferri · @valtagliaferri
45 followers · 435 posts · Server mastodon.uno

di Nel 1898 lo scrittore francese pubblica il romanzo il cui protagonista è innamorato perdutamente dell’avvenente andalusa Conception che però lo tradisce ripetutamente, per poi puntualmente ricercarlo. Ma Mateo, che è al corrente di tutti i tradimenti fisici e morali di Conception, suo... valeriotagliaferri.it/?p=9762

#quelloscurooggettodeldesiderio #luisbunuel #pierrelouӱs #ladonnaeilburattino #mateodiaz #mastocinema #mastofilm #cinema #film #carolebouquet #AngelaMolina #fernandorey

Last updated 2 years ago

Jess McGrath · @JessMcGrath
193 followers · 322 posts · Server masto.ai

DEATH IN THE GARDEN (’56): From my man Luis Bunuel’s Mexican period, don’t take his word for it that it’s “just a commercial work” and nothing to see. On the contrary, this becomes a very intriguing piece once the band of misfits head for the jungle. Cynicism abounds, the group degenerates to their basest selves as their situation grows more hopeless, and don’t forget the trademark Bunuel callout of religious hypocrisy. Never can have too much Simone Signoret in color either.


Last updated 2 years ago

Hotchka · @Hotchka
45 followers · 646 posts · Server mstdn.plus

's final musical, formerly known as , will make its premiere in September for a limited run at The Shed's Griffin Theater. The show, directed by , is now titled , is inspired by two films, and .

#stephensondheim #squareone #offbroadway #joemantello #hereweare #luisbunuel #thediscreetcharmofthebourgeoisie #theexterminatingangel

Last updated 2 years ago

12pt9 · @12pt9
222 followers · 1122 posts · Server cinematheque.social

March 9: Someone going potty for

“Madrid was filled with the stench of – pardon my language – food. It was indecent.”

Eating is taboo, and relieving oneself is performed on a toilet at a communal table in Luis Buñuel's Le fantôme de la liberté [The Phantom of Liberty] (FR/IT, 1974). Le fantôme strings together events from 's life (he was 74 by the time he made this film), with dreams remembered by both Buñuel and co-writer Jean-Claude Carrière. The title references the opening sentence from Marx/Engels' Communist Manifesto. What follows is a wonderful, free-flowing pastiche performed by a sublime cast.

@film letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bale

#bales2023filmchallenge #worldkidneyday #bunuel #film #luisbunuel #jeanclaudecarriere #michelpiccoli #monicavitti

Last updated 2 years ago

ana :flor_rojinegra: · @ana
757 followers · 3987 posts · Server masto.nobigtech.es

Toda una semana de movilizaciones:

📢17 martes 19:30 Plaza Asso
📢18 miércoles 18:00 Plaza del Pilar
📢19 jueves 19:30 Plaza Canteras
🏃🏿‍♀️20 viernes 18:00 Plaza Aragón
🏃🏿‍♀️21 sábado 18:00 Plaza St. Domingo


#elbunuelnoserinde #csc #luisbunuel #zaragoza

Last updated 2 years ago