“ 'We cannot accept a new Armenian #genocide in 2023,' says #LuisMorenoOcampo, the Argentine lawyer who served as the first prosecutor of the International Criminal Court. [..] We also speak with #AnnaOhanyan, professor of political science and international relations at Stonehill College, who says #Azerbaijan is relying on 'the use of hunger as a weapon' ”
#Artsakh #NagornoKarabakh #ArtsakhBlockade #StopArtsakhBlockade #HautKarabagh #Arménie #Armenia #LachinCorridor
#luismorenoocampo #annaohanyan #azerbaijan #artsakh #nagornokarabakh #artsakhblockade #stopartsakhblockade #hautkarabagh #armenie #genocide #lachincorridor #armenia
#Armenien, #Arzach, #Aserbaidschan, #Bergkarabach, #Deutschland, #EU
#aushungern, #demokratie, #diktatur, #doppelstandards, #gasdeal, #geschichte, #interessen, #menschenrechte, #moral, #rohstoffe, #urlaubsland, #vernichtung, #völkermord, #wertepartner
#MartinSonneborn, #UrsulaVonDerLeyen
#armenien #arzach #aserbaidschan #bergkarabach #deutschland #eu #aushungern #demokratie #diktatur #doppelstandards #gasdeal #geschichte #interessen #menschenrechte #moral #rohstoffe #urlaubsland #vernichtung #volkermord #wertepartner #lawrencemeredith #luismorenoocampo #martinsonneborn #ursulavonderleyen
"In many respects, the starvation of the ethnic #Armenians of Nagorno-Karabakh, represents the archetype of genocide through the imposition of conditions of life designed to bring about a group’s destruction."
Fmr International Criminal Court prosecutor, #LuisMorenoOcampo, issued report stating the blockade of #NagornoKarabakh is “#GENOCIDE.”
#Artsakh #ArtsakhBlockade #CorridorDeLatchine #StopArtsakhBlockade #Azerbaïdjan #Arménie #HautKarabagh #StopArmenianGenocide2023
#armenians #luismorenoocampo #nagornokarabakh #genocide #artsakh #artsakhblockade #corridordelatchine #stopartsakhblockade #azerbaidjan #armenie #hautkarabagh #stoparmeniangenocide2023
Cannot sleep. I think I will watch “Argentina, 1985” about The Trial of the Juntas and Luis Moreno Ocampo, the first #ICC prosecutor. #TrialOfTheJuntas #Argentina #LuisMorenoOcampo
#luismorenoocampo #argentina #trialofthejuntas #icc