Luke Donald Press Conference | 2023 Horizon Irish Open
#2023 #2023dpworldtour #2023horizonirishopen #dpworldtour #european #europeangolf #Europeantour #europeantourgolf #europeantourhighlights #Golf #golfhighlights #horizonirishopen #horizonirishopen2023 #horizonirishopenvideos #Luke #Masters #Omega #PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking #PGARanking #thekclub #tyrrellHatton #WGC
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The genius of #Luke’s #Gospel is frequently overlooked by those who simply breeze through it or assume it is saying the same thing as #Matthew and Mark. In fact, it is strikingly different. What especially matters are not so much the contradictions one finds, but the larger picture. Luke has radically edited #Mark’s account in places to create a new portrait of #Jesus.
#bible #theology #history #newtestament #gospels #atheism #apologetics #NT #synoptic
#luke #gospel #matthew #mark #jesus #bible #theology #history #newtestament #gospels #atheism #apologetics #nt #synoptic
Gizmodo: Hasbro's New Ahsoka Toys Include Some Very Good Droids #entertainmentculture #starwarstheclonewars #fictionalcyborgs #starwarsrebels #morganelsbeth #humaninterest #mandalorians #blackseries #ezrabridger #darthvader #momawnadon #captainrex #lightsaber #jangofett #starwars #hasbro #ahsoka #huyang #kanan #droid #luke #leia #sith #rex
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It can be interesting to try to work out the sources used by the #NewTestament authors. Here are some examples from both the author of #Matthew and the author of #Luke-#Acts that ultimately come from #Aesop's #Fables.
#christian #mythology #myths #legends #NT #bible #plagiarism #christianity #jesus
#newtestament #matthew #luke #acts #aesop #fables #christian #mythology #myths #legends #nt #bible #plagiarism #christianity #jesus
Big Brother 25 Podcast Episode 5 Noms Recap!
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Minulla on ollut ja on ilo olla mukana näissä hankkeissa:
#thl #luke #unihelsinki #UniversityofHelsinki #Helsinginyliopisto
Kotaku: Blind Street Fighter 6 Player Steals Fighting Game Tournament's Hearts #gaming #tech #kotaku #sonyinteractiveentertainment #evolutionchampionshipseries #fightinggametournament #blindwarriorsven #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggame #mandalaybay #kenmasters #capcom #sports #honda #luke #ken
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Memes that make perfect sense in a galaxy far, far away…(30 Photos)
#Humanity #Meme #Movies #Pop Culture #TV #darth vader #han solo #luke skywalker #star wars
#humanity #meme #movies #POP #TV #darth #han #luke #star
Imagine this conversation:
#HarrisonFord: I'd like #HanSolo to die sacrificing himself for #Luke and #Leia's benefit.
#GeorgeLucas: That's not the story I have in mind.
Whose instinct would you have supported?
#harrisonford #hansolo #luke #leia #georgelucas
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Tracy Chapman Just Made Country Music History...Because a White Man Covered 'Fast Car' #Jezebel #grammyawardforbestfemalepopvocalperformance #entertainmentculture #tracychapman #lukecombs #zanelowe #fastcar #chapman #combs #black #luke
#jezebel #grammyawardforbestfemalepopvocalperformance #entertainmentculture #tracychapman #lukecombs #zanelowe #fastcar #chapman #combs #black #luke
Kotaku: 9 Street Fighter 6 Settings To Tweak Before You Start Throwing Hands #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #superstreetfighteriiturbo #zxspectrumgames #streetfighter6 #streetfighter #fightinggames #fightinggame #mythopoeia #nintendods #dosgames #capcom #luke #ryu
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Everybody agrees that Luke and Jenny Calendar from Buffy The Vampire Slayer are endgame. #Buffy #BuffyTheVampireSlayer #Luke #BrianThompson #JennyCalendar #RobiaScott
#buffy #buffythevampireslayer #luke #brianthompson #jennycalendar #robiascott
Kotaku: The Legend Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom: The Kotaku Review #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogamesdevelopedinjapan #singleplayervideogames #actionadventuregames #videogamecharacters #openworldvideogames #thelegendofzelda #shigerumiyamoto #hyrulewarriors #thichnhathanh #calamityganon #richardpowers #princesszelda #videogames #icekeese #nintendo #kratos #lilith #zelda #ganon #luke #link
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Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kesha and Dr. Luke Announce They’ve Settled Decade-Long Sexual Assault Lawsuit #Jezebel #neelukaszsebastiangottwald #sebastiangottwald #keshavdrluke #socialissues #johnnydepp #amberheard #musicians #lawcrime #remixers #singers #drluke #kesha #luke
#jezebel #neelukaszsebastiangottwald #sebastiangottwald #keshavdrluke #socialissues #johnnydepp #amberheard #musicians #lawcrime #remixers #singers #DrLuke #kesha #luke
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Kesha Says She Almost Died After Freezing Her Eggs #Jezebel #americanpeopleofgermandescent #lukaszsebastiangottwald #kemosaberecords #bisexualwomen #keshavdrluke #thoughkesha #vegetarians #musicians #gagorder #yodelers #singers #warrior #drluke #albums #kesha #luke
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Did Scribes Change Luke's #Theology?
"In this episode we take the unusual approach of looking at textual changes in just one book of the #NewTestament, the #Gospel of #Luke, to see how slight variations in the text can have an enormous impact on understanding the author's message -- involving such things as the #virginbirth, the understanding of whether #Jesus' death brought an #atonement, whether he was fully human."
#theology #newtestament #gospel #luke #virginbirth #jesus #atonement
Kotaku: 7 Essential Demos Featured In Steam's Next Fest #gaming #tech #kotaku #videogameconsoles #stanislawlem #windowsgames #nintendods #rustylake #luke #demo #if
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #videogameconsoles #stanislawlem #windowsgames #nintendods #rustylake #luke #demo #if