The excess charges are therefore likely to have been captured by the sellers of the oil. The oil producers #Lukoil and #Rosneft have made direct sales to #Indian refineries, chart @FT
Why Bulgaria should decouple from Russian oil #Bulgaria #EUsanctions #Lukoil #refineries #Russianinvasion
#Bulgaria #EUSanctions #lukoil #refineries #russianinvasion
"I think that the ultimate aim is really this cliche - to turn #Bulgaria into the Trojan horse of the #EU and #NATO , to make it the weakest link in both groupings… to use Bulgaria to to undermine the positions of Europe.
#Lukoil on the on the Black Sea coast, it's a gateway towards the EU. And this is how I think #Russia has perceived Bulgaria because Lukoil was allowed to operate in Bulgaria all those years…without the government exercising the necessary control. '
#bulgaria #eu #nato #lukoil #russia
the #Bulgarian caretaker government actually allowed #Lukoil to to continue exports of Bulgarian #oil after 5. Dec.
But this was slapped down by the #EU So what the EU now said is, Lukoil cannot export oil and oil products made by this #refinery, which works with #Russian oil only. It cannot export them to the EU or anyone else in the world except to #Ukraine.
#bulgarian #lukoil #oil #eu #refinery #russian #ukraine
Since 2006, #Lukoil has regularly reported yearly losses, with a few exceptions. No declared profits means no taxes to the state. But the war in #Ukraine complicated things for the #Russian company. An EU #embargo on Russian #oil came into force last December. #Bulgaria was granted an exemption allowing it to import Russian #crude oil but the ban on export remained. Lukoil then announced it would start paying taxes in Bulgaria, but argued that it should be allowed to keep exporting oil products'
#lukoil #ukraine #russian #embargo #oil #bulgaria #crude
' So these things started to unravel and investigative journalism sites…started publishing materials, about Lukoil. And it turns out that #Lukoil is actually using one of its … companies registered in Switzerland, actually to syphon off that's what the #Bulgarian media say, syphoned off all these profits made by the sale of oil and #oil products in #Bulgaria, to Switzerland, and then all the taxes being paid in #Russia. So the #Bulgarian taxpayer doesn't benefit from… the presence of Lukoil. '
#lukoil #bulgarian #oil #bulgaria #russia
'When you look at an enormous company like #Lukoil , the #Russian energy giant, it's one of the biggest companies in #bulgaria
Lukoil owns the #Neftochim oil refinery in the coastal city of #Burgas on the Black Sea. A #Bulgarian lawmaker once called it “the only #refinery on the planet that’s losing money”.
Media reports started to appear about Lukoil, it has profits of billions of Bulgarian leva and despite that, it hasn't been paying for quite many years…corporate tax in Bulgaria...
#lukoil #russian #bulgaria #neftochim #burgas #bulgarian #refinery
Sterke euro en ineffectieve Russische olieboycot doen pompprijzen kelderen. De Russische olie wordt verkocht door #Lukoil. Wie daar tankt, tankt #bloedbenzine waarmee #Poetin o.a. zijn misdaden in Oekraïne financiert. Dus, tank je bij Lukoil? Dan financier je moord.
Notizia italiana che scopro dalla prima pagina del sito di un quotidiano greco (non mi pare di vederla da nessuna parte sul Corriere, che oramai è praticamente un Dagospia che non ce l'ha fatta):
Excellent troll? russe exposant comment grâce à sa Joint Venture avec #Total #Lukoil peut raffiner du pétrole en Hollande ET (en Roumanie) toucher des aides de l'#UnionEuropéenne.
Les dérivés du pétrole ainsi obtenus genre : toluène (le T de TNT), et les naphta aident à produire de la poudre explosive et des carburants pour missiles qui frappent l'#ukraine.
J'ai cru que c'était du bullshit, puis j'ai vérifié ce que j'ai pu: ça semble pas faux.
#total #lukoil #unioneuropeenne #ukraine
Energiavirasto myönsi yli 270 000 euroa tukea Teboil-huoltoasemille, joiden taustalla toimii venäläinen öljyjätti #lukoil #venäjä #politiikka
Rel in #Rusland: iedereen naar het front, behalve de zoon van Poetins favoriete #oorlogshitser. Weerman roept op tot het gooien van een atoombom op o.a. #Rotterdam! En nog steeds tanken mensen bij het Russische #Lukoil. Daarmee wordt o.a. de Russische oorlog gefinancierd! Tank ergens anders!!!
#lukoil #rotterdam #oorlogshitser #rusland
The #EU intends to impose new #sanctions against #Russia on the anniversary of the start of the invasion of #Ukraine.
It is planned to introduce restrictions against #Lukoil and #Rosatom, as well as the rejection of #Russian #uranium.
⁉️ Why THEN? Whats wrong with NOW? I HATE the word anniversary now. Everyone is waiting for such a sad day to "punish" #Russia These #sanctions should have been imposed already. In fact you should spend every day making it worse for Russia! Stop waiting to act!
#eu #sanctions #russia #ukraine #lukoil #rosatom #russian #uranium
#EnergyCrisis #Russia ’s #Lukoil sells #Italian #refinery to Israeli-backed #privateequity fund, chart @FT
#energycrisis #Russia #lukoil #italian #refinery #privateequity
"Die Umweltverbände @urgewald und Deutsche Umwelthilfe (DUH) haben heute gemeinsam mit der ukrainischen NGO Razom We Stand eine Recherche zu #WintershallDea veröffentlicht, die die Banken und Investoren hinter Deutschlands größtem Öl- und Gasproduzenten benennt.
Die #BASF Tochter Wintershall Dea ignoriert nicht nur die #Klimakrise. Trotz des Krieges in der #Ukraine fördert sie weiterhin Öl und Gas in Joint Ventures mit #Gazprom und #Lukoil, sowohl in #Russland als auch außerhalb des Landes. Gerade erst ist Wintershall Dea in die Schlagzeilen geraten, weil ein investigativer Bericht* von Der #Spiegel und #ZDFfrontal die russische Gasförderung des Unternehmens mit Kriegsverbrechen russischer Kampfflugzeuge in Verbindung gebracht hat."
#ZDFfrontal #spiegel #russland #lukoil #Gazprom #ukraine #klimakrise #basf #wintershalldea
Bedenking langs de steenweg opgesmukt met vele tankstations: zou het niet lukken om alvast deze tak van het Russische 'privaat' bedrijf #LukOil droog te leggen, simpelweg door elders te gaan tanken? Wat voor diamanten niet kan, lukt voor brandstof misschien wel.
Ieri il Min. Musumeci ha tuittato felice per la chiusura evitata della raffineria #Lukoil-ISAB di Priolo Gargallo (SR) e relativa crisi industriale (fino a 10mila posti di lavoro a rischio). TUTTAVIA, sarà uno spettacolo vedere SE e QUANDO il Governo Meloni agirà e difenderà gli interessi strategici quando il fondo di private equity USA Crossbridge Energy Partners vorrà acquisire l'impianto (dopo averlo strappato ai russi).