I designed 'Aché, Spirits, and Community: An exploration of Lukumí' for last year's Australian Wiccan Conference, but I came down with COVID-19 and couldn't attend. I'm excited to be offering this workshop on Saturday at Muses of Mystery in Melbourne.
#MusesOfMystery #Cuban #Lukumi #Lucumi #Santeria #ancestors #AustralianWiccanConference
For more info and to book, please visit:
#australianwiccanconference #ancestors #santeria #lucumi #lukumi #cuban #musesofmystery
#newauthor #BooksMakeMeHappy #ClimateChange #pagan #nature #Lukumi #motherearth My book is out for preorder and will be available in bookstores in March!
#newauthor #booksmakemehappy #climatechange #pagan #nature #lukumi #motherearth
From the zettel vault:
There are three categories of spirits humans encounter:
1. The personal (given at birth)
2. God's interceding "Holy" Spirit (gifted through grace)
3. The spirits of other beings, living or dead (called upon or rejected)
When examining our impulses, as in the practice of Ignatian spirit discernment, it's important to recognize which we are responding to and engaging with.
#spirits #spiritwork #zettelkasten #holyspirit #lukumi