Star Wars - The Clone Wars - Pandemic - Luminara Unduli
#jedi #luminaraunduli #pandemicsystemboardgame #zmangames #starwarsclonewars #clonewarspandemic #miniature #miniatureart #miniaturepainting #paintingminis #minipainting #paintingminiatures #boardgames #StarWars #clonewars
On this #Maythe4th, I'm grateful for #Disney (yeah, I know) producing perhaps the best #StarWars stories in the #galaxyfarfaraway and my two favorite piece of Star Wars media: #RogueOne and #andor
I'm not a huge fan of #TheForce and #ForceUsers in general (the only one I actually like is #LuminaraUnduli from #CloneWars). I much prefer these more grounded stories of ordinary people persevering against a corrupt system. Leave your quasi-magical mumbo jumbo at the door, tyvm!
#maythe4th #disney #starwars #galaxyfarfaraway #rogueone #andor #theforce #forceusers #luminaraunduli #clonewars
#StarWarsTheCloneWars probabili spoiler dell'episodio 9.
Mi è piaciuta moltissimo l'introduzione del personaggio del maestro Jedi Luminara Unduli, il suo combattimento insieme ad Ahsoka contro Ventress fantastico ed un episodio che ti tiene incollato!
Spero di vedere altro su questo personaggio perché mi ispira moltissimo.🤞🏼
#ventressasajj #ahsokatano #luminaraunduli #starwarstheclonewars