Oggi, a #LineaRadioSavona, con GianFunk, abbiamo esplorato il polo sud lunare, commentando l'atterraggio della missione #Chandrayaan3 e il fallimento di #Luna25.
Grazie a tutti gli ascoltatori, buon sabato a tutti! đź‘‹
(Foto: #ISRO, scattata dal rover della missione, #Pragyan!)
#unoradio #mastoradio
#linearadiosavona #chandrayaan3 #luna25 #isro #pragyan #unoradio #mastoradio
LRO ziet de crashsite van de Russische Luna-25
Luna-25 botste op 19 augustus tegen de Maan tijdens een manoeuvre die bedoeld was om de landing op te zetten. Vermoedelijk is de laatste rustplaats van Luna-25 gevonden.
#nasa #maansonde #luna25 #lro #Krater #crash
La Nasa pense avoir trouvé le cratère formé par l'impact de la sonde russe Luna-25 :
NASA Satellite Spots the Crash Site for Luna 25
Just a few days before India successfully landed their Chandrayaan-3 mission near the Moon's south pole, Russia attempted the same feat with its Luna 25 lander. Unfortunately, the mission failed, and the spacecraft crashed into the lunar surface on August 19th. New images from NASA's Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter have revealed the crash site. Before and after images show the brand new 10-meter crater, surrounded by fresh ejecta.
Russische Pilzvergiftung.
Das ist neu in #Putins Repertoire der Mordumstände.
"Vor wenigen Wochen scheiterte eine russische Raumsonde beim Versuch, auf dem Mond zu landen.
Nun ist einer der beteiligten Raketenwissenschaftler tot."
C'è un nuovo cratere sulla Luna. Lo ha creato la missione robotica russa #Luna25 schiantandosi sulla superficie. La sonda Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter della NASA probabilmente lo ha trovato. Eccolo
Gizmodo: NASA Probe Spots Crashed Russian Moon Lander https://gizmodo.com/nasa-probe-spots-crashed-russian-moon-lander-1850793784?utm_source=regular #lunarreconnaissanceorbiter #lasercommunicationinspace #explorationofthemoon #chandrayaanprogramme #lunarsouthpole #moonlanding #lunarlander #lander #luna25 #moon #luna
#lunarreconnaissanceorbiter #lasercommunicationinspace #explorationofthemoon #chandrayaanprogramme #lunarsouthpole #moonlanding #lunarlander #lander #luna25 #moon #luna
Daily Hopper unlocks the big difference between #Luna25🇷🇺💥 and #Chandrayaan3🇮🇳🌛. #Moon #astronomy #oops
#luna25 #chandrayaan3 #moon #astronomy #oops
Japan’s JAXA Plans Moon Mission Following Chandrayaan-3.
#Japan #JAXA #MoonMission #Chandrayaan3 #Luna25 #XRISM #SpaceExploration
#japan #jaxa #moonmission #chandrayaan3 #luna25 #xrism #spaceexploration
#Luna25’s Demise: Raising Fundamental Questions About Russia’s Space Program
Japan’s JAXA Plans Moon Mission Following Chandrayaan-3.
#Japan #JAXA #MoonMission #Chandrayaan3 #Luna25 #XRISM #SpaceExploration
#japan #jaxa #moonmission #chandrayaan3 #luna25 #xrism #spaceexploration
19-Aug: Russia is humiliated on the world stage when their Luna-25 lander is lost.
23-Aug: The humiliation is worsened as India successfully lands Chandrayaan-3 on the moon.
Same Day: Rather than reporting on India's triumph, global headlines are focused on Russia as Putin murders his primary political rival.
What amazing coincidence.
#Russia #putin #luna25 #chandrayaan3
Einsatz von Luna-25-Korrekturtriebwerken war Ursache fĂĽr den Crash
GK Roskosmos-Chef Borissow: Luna-25-Korrekturtriebwerke arbeiteten zu lange. Ein Beitrag von Gerhard Kowalski. #Luna25 #kowalski (Videostill: Roskosmos)
Every Commiseration to Russia for flying splat direct into the moon. Much love to India for showing how to do it quietly and calmly and without upmanship. #luna25 #Chandrayaan3 #style 🚀
India and Russia's Moon missions
Source: IE
GS Paper 3: Science &Tech
#Chandrayaan3Landing #ISRO
#Luna25 #Chandrayaan3Mission
#chandrayaan3landing #isro #luna25 #chandrayaan3mission #moon
Luna-25 crashes into lunar surface. Russia's first moon mission in 47 years fails. #Roscosmos #LUNA25 #RussiaMoonMission
#roscosmos #luna25 #russiamoonmission #moon
Indische Raumsonde #Chandrayaan3 erfolgreich auf dem Mond gelandet
#chandaryaan #luna25 #russland #indien #chandrayaan3
Luna-25 crash-lands Russia-China space ambitions - Asia Times
>Lunar lander’s failure dents Beijing-Moscow plans to beam up a joint space station at moon’s south pole by 2028 to compete with #NASA
https://asiatimes.com/2023/08/luna-25-crash-lands-russia-china-space-ambitions/ #China #Russia #Moon #Luna25
#luna25 #moon #Russia #China #NASA
This is what a decaying, crumbling empire looks like.
"Endemic problems that have dogged the Russian space industry since the 1991 collapse of the #SovietUnion. Those include the loss of key technologies in the post-Soviet industrial meltdown, the bruising impact of recent #WesternSanctions, a huge #BrainDrain and widespread #Corruption." #Luna25 #Moon
A failed #LunarMission dents Russian pride and reflects deeper problems with #Moscow's space industry | AP News
#lunarmission #moon #Moscow #luna25 #corruption #braindrain #westernsanctions #sovietunion