Pretty happy with the first few levels of #Lunark on the #SteamDeck. Definitely better controls than the Flashback remake I tried on Switch.
Ça y est ! Après avoir acheter ma switch lite pour ce jeux et presque 4 ans d'attente je l'ai reçu \o/
Hâte de jouer avec
#lunark #switch #NintendoSwitch #game #jeuxvideo #canarigames
#lunark #switch #NintendoSwitch #game #jeuxvideo #canarigames #johanvinet
Double Reviews of Lunark and Rusted Moss
Reviews of Lunark and Rusted Moss, two very different platformers, played with press keys.
0:00 Intro
00:15 Lunark
4:30 Rusted Moss
#indies #indie #lunark #review #RustedMoss
#indies #indie #lunark #review #rustedmoss
Ok, Unfortunately I have to say that #lunark disappoints at first. It does not feels so cinematic like #anotherworld or #flashback (although there is a hand ;), and it seems it is still buggy... Issues with controller, and now this :(
#flashback #anotherworld #lunark
@johanvinet is it fine to stream the #lunark? I suck at copyrights, and I was planning to stream today my first gameplay xD Still excited before it! <3 Thx!
Ho divorato #Lunark, una lettera d'amore ad un genere dimenticato, istant classic per chi ama il cinematic platformer. Un avventura tutta anni 80, con una buona narrazione e un comparto grafico che fa della sintesi un urlo di battaglia. Manca un po' di climax ma ripaga con un atmosfera che non vedi l'ora di respirare nuovamente. Qualche capriccio con il pad e un sistema di controllo da padroneggiare intaccano la solidità della fruizione, ma non la gioia sul vostro volto.
La #eShop de #NintendoSwitch recibió esta semana juegos como #AssaultSuitsValken, #DREDGE, #LUNARK, #SagaofSins y Voice of Cards Trilogy :3.
#eshop #nintendoswitch #assaultsuitsvalken #dredge #lunark #sagaofsins
Loving #Lunark so far. It's activating that patch of my brain that has been occupied by Flashback for decades.
RT @ThePixelPost
Si #Lunark se veut être un hommage aux classiques Another World et Flashback, le public qu'il vise est malheureusement limité aux nostalgiques de l'époque, comme vient nous l'expliquer @Zali_Falcam :
Si #Lunark se veut être un hommage aux classiques Another World et Flashback, le public qu'il vise est malheureusement limité aux nostalgiques de l'époque, comme vient nous l'expliquer @Zali_Falcam :
Today is the day! Finally!
Conoce cuándo y en dónde podrás jugar el interesante juego 2D llamado #LUNARK
Just finished the demo of #Lunark ! It feels really special, I'm curious to see the release :)
Go check it out before the demo is removed !
Voilà bientôt un jeu qui a pris un peu de retard mais sachant du boulot d'une personne, on ne saurait lui en vouloir pour ça.
Il reprend une approche à la Flashback qui a été une de mes 1ère grandes expériences, au point d'être aussi mon 1er jeu fini en Hard sur Megadrive #KALIMA
Si vous aimez aussi la rotoscopie, jetez-y un oeil ;) #Lunark #videogame
👋 Hi folks!
Canari Games is a Canadian studio, currently working on #LUNARK, a colorful 2D cinematic platformer, published by @wayforward & COMING SOON™ on Switch, PS4/PS5, Xbox systems, PC/Mac.
💾 Physical versions by @LimitedRunGames.
#lunarkthegame #gamedev #introduction #lunark
I'm weak, and backed another game on Kickstarter: #LUNARK.
Endorsement from Jordan Mechner, inspired by such games as Prince of Persia, Flashback and Another World, with beautiful retro-style pixel art, and a soundtrack that's promising to be similarly great.