How the heck could I forget that it's been almost 54 years since the first person was on the #moon? #MoonLanding #FirstManOnMoon #LunarLanding
#moon #moonlanding #firstmanonmoon #lunarlanding
54 years ago today, the Eagle touched down on the Sea of Tranquility. A while back, I wrote a post that explained why it wasn't actually surprising that having gone to the Moon, we never returned. Here it is. #moon #lunarlanding #Apollo11
#firefly is looking to raise money to expand their business (and develop their MLV rocket).
Apparently they already got many interested parties so raising money shouldn't be an issue.
Along side the development of MLV (Medium Launch Vehicle) firefly is also developing a lunar lander.
#firefly #space #moon #lunarlanding
Cassette 50 for the ZX81
#Cassette50 #ZX81 #Collection #Compilation #Action #Strategy #Simulation #Gambling #Betting #MazeEater #GalacticAttack #SpaceMission #LunarLanding #PlasmaBolt #StarTrek #RadarLanding #Attacker #GalacticDogFight #PsionAttack #IvasivAction #NoughtsAndCrosses #Pontoon #SkiJump #Hangman #OldBones #ThinIce #Orbitter #Motorway #ForceField #Nim #TunnelEscape #BarrelJump #CannonballBattle #Overtake #CascadeGamesLimited #CascadeGames #Cascade
#cascade #cascadegames #cascadegameslimited #overtake #cannonballbattle #barreljump #tunnelescape #nim #forcefield #motorway #orbitter #ThinIce #oldbones #hangman #skijump #pontoon #noughtsandcrosses #ivasivaction #psionattack #galacticdogfight #attacker #radarlanding #StarTrek #plasmabolt #lunarlanding #spacemission #galacticattack #mazeeater #betting #gambling #simulation #strategy #action #compilation #collection #zx81 #cassette50
How Rocket Exhaust From Moon Landings Will Threaten Future Missions
I really feel for the Hakuto-R team. ispace and its partners put in a huge amount of work into this mission, and they came tantalizingly close to a landing. The emotion at the end of the livestream was heartbreaking.
It may be trite, but space really is hard. Lunar landings are especially hard, and no private company has cracked that barrier yet. Coming as close as Hakuto-R did is an achievement in itself.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
The Hakuto-R team is continuing to investigate the cause of the loss of signal and possible landing failure.
Landing on the Moon is incredibly challenging. Hakuto-R certainly got very close to landing, which will provide a lot of valuable data. Hopefully NASA's lunar satellites can image the landing site and help provide more understanding as to what happened.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
Still no word on Hakuto-R. The fact that there is no signal from the vehicle is definitely not good news. At this point a landing failure seems more likely than not, but the ispace team is continuing to monitor for any communication from the lander.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
Ugh, the waiting is the hardest part. Still no confirmation on Hakuto-R's status on the lunar surface. There's a lot that can go wrong in a lunar landing. Hopefully we will get some news about status soon. Based on the last numbers on the webcast the vehicle was operating normally on the final descent just before loss of signal.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
Waiting to hear if Hakuto-R made it to the lunar surface. The last telemetry looked good, but so far no signal from the lander yet.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
I'm very excited about the Hakuto-R mission, but please for the love of [DEITY HERE], your launch webcast should not include a financial pitch deck.
#hakutor #ispace #moon #lunarlanding #space
So, there's a lunar landing mission happening within the next hour or so. It's a multi-national commercial enterprise. Live coverage:
#Space #moon #lunarlanding #Streaming
Pues se han cumplido 50 años de la última misión tripulada a la luna. Alguien ha remasterizado las fotografías que se tomaron durante ese vuelo y el resultado es el que explican en el reportaje.
En dos palabras: impresionante
#apollo17 #apolloxvii #lunarlanding #artemisa
Tomorrow, ESA ground stations will support - as they aim for the first commercial Moon landing🌙 ☛
#estrack #hakuto_r #commercialisation #lunarlanding
Today is #sputnikday and the begin of #worldspaceweek! To celebrate here are two #postcards I did for @planetariumhamburg in the past 🥳
#MastoArt #CreativeToots #art #illustration #postcard #poster #50s #retro #moon #lunarlanding #space #spaceweek #stars #spacesuit #visualart #freelanceillustrator #graphicdesign #design #typography #digitalillustration #vectorillustration #adobeillustrator #cosmos #sputnik #satellite #raumfahrt #weltraum #spaceflight
#spaceflight #weltraum #raumfahrt #satellite #sputnik #cosmos #adobeillustrator #vectorillustration #digitalillustration #typography #design #graphicdesign #freelanceillustrator #visualart #spacesuit #stars #SpaceWeek #space #lunarlanding #moon #retro #50s #poster #postcard #illustration #art #CreativeToots #MastoArt #postcards #worldspaceweek #sputnikday
Zwei Entwürfe für die „Voll der Mond“-Illustration letztens für das @planetariumhamburg.
#mondlandung #lunarlanding #planetarium #hamburg #adobeillustrator #illustration #illo #planet #stars #mond #moon #freelanceillustrator #visualart #digitalartists #art #digitalillustration #graphicdesign #design #typography #adobeillustrator #vectorillustration #vector #vectorart
#vectorart #vector #vectorillustration #typography #design #graphicdesign #digitalillustration #art #digitalartists #visualart #freelanceillustrator #moon #mond #stars #planet #illo #illustration #adobeillustrator #hamburg #planetarium #lunarlanding #mondlandung
#volldermond, Illustration für das Planetarium Hamburg zum 50-jährigen Jubiläum der Mondlandung 1969.
#moon #mond #mondlandung #lunarlanding #astronaut #stars #sterne #space #spacesuit #itsfullofstars #retro #poster #glowing #illustration #illustrator #freelanceillustrator #visualart #digitalartists #art #digitalillustration #graphicdesign #design #typography #adobeillustrator #vectorillustration #vector #vectorart
#vectorart #vector #vectorillustration #adobeillustrator #typography #design #graphicdesign #digitalillustration #art #digitalartists #visualart #freelanceillustrator #illustrator #illustration #glowing #poster #retro #itsfullofstars #spacesuit #space #sterne #stars #astronaut #lunarlanding #mondlandung #mond #moon #volldermond