RT @ispace_inc
Our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 Lunar Lander was expected to land on the surface of the Moon at 1:40 am JST on April 26, 2023. At this time, our Mission Control Center in Tokyo has not been able to confirm the success of the lander. (1/2)
#ispace 社による日本初の月面着陸ミッション。 #HAKUTO-R 、30分ほど前にランダーからの通信途絶。調査継続中。着陸直前までのデータは取れたようで、将来のミッション2、ミッション3へ希望をつなぐ、と。
4/26未明 ispace「HAKUTO-R」世界初の民間月面着陸に挑戦【ニコニコニュース実況】 / ニコ生視聴中 https://live.nicovideo.jp/watch/lv341102581?ref=sharetw_large #HAKUTO_R #ispace #lunarquest
#ispace #hakuto #hakuto_r #lunarquest
RT @ispace_inc
1 hour until our HAKUTO-R M1 scheduled landing on the Moon!
Historic live coverage of our landing event has begun. Watch here: https://youtube.com/live/CpR1UUnix3g
RT @ispace_inc
1 hour until our HAKUTO-R M1 scheduled landing on the Moon!
Historic live coverage of our landing event has begun. Watch here: https://youtube.com/live/CpR1UUnix3g
First commercial lander to the moon in a little over an hour!
RT @ispace_inc
6 hours until our HAKUTO-R M1 scheduled landing on the Moon!
#ispace #HAKUTO_R #lunarquest
RT @ispace_inc
6 hours until our HAKUTO-R M1 scheduled landing on the Moon!
RT @ispace_inc
The primary landing site for our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 is Atlas Crater, located in the northeastern quadrant of the Moon. (1/3)
RT @ispace_inc
The primary landing site for our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 is Atlas Crater, located in the northeastern quadrant of the Moon. (1/3)
RT @ispace_inc
Our HAKUTO-R Program Mission 1 lunar landing live stream coverage is scheduled to open Tuesday, April 25, 15:20 (UTC)/11:20 (EST) at the earliest.
Use the live stream link below to watch our landing event from anywhere!
RT @ispace_inc
Our HAKUTO-R Program Mission 1 lunar landing live stream coverage is scheduled to open Tuesday, April 25, 15:20 (UTC)/11:20 (EST) at the earliest.
Use the live stream link below to watch our landing event from anywhere!
Note that what they call EST below is actually EDT.
ispace: "Our HAKUTO-R Program Mission 1 lunar landing live stream coverage is scheduled to open Tuesday, April 25, 15:20 (UTC)/11:20 (EST) at the earliest.
Use the live stream link below to watch our landing event from anywhere!
#hakutor #lunarquest #hakuto_r #ispace
Just 1 more day!
RT @ispace_inc
Our earliest targeted landing date, Tuesday, April 25, 16:40 (UTC)/12:40 (EST), is approaching! (2/2)
#ispace #HAKUTO_R #lunarquest
RT @ispace_inc
The camera onboard our HAKUTO-R M1 lander continues to capture beautiful images of our Moon from lunar orbit!
This photo is a composite of 3 images, with a reflection of the lander’s MLI visible on the right.
#ispace #HAKUTO_R #lunarquest
RT @ispace_inc
11 days until our HAKUTO-R M1 scheduled landing on the Moon!
Here’s an image of our Assembly, Integration and Testing (AIT) Team installing the landing gear onto the flight model last year at @IABG_mbH's Space Centre.
Vista de la Luna desde el módulo de aterrizaje de la nave japonesa HAKUTO-R.
Intentará el alunizaje a finales de abril.
RT @ispace_inc@twitter.com
Hello from lunar orbit! 🌔
After last week's successful lunar orbital insertion maneuver, this image of the Moon was captured by our lander-mounted camera during HAKUTO-R Mission 1.
More stunning views to come!
#ispace #hakuto_r #lunarquest #moon #space
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ispace_inc/status/1640305097845481473
#ispace #hakuto_r #lunarquest #moon #space
RT @ispace_inc
Hello from lunar orbit! 🌔
After last week's successful lunar orbital insertion maneuver, this image of the Moon was captured by our lander-mounted camera during HAKUTO-R Mission 1.
More stunning views to come!
#ispace #hakuto_r #lunarquest #moon #space
#space #moon #lunarquest #hakuto_r #ispace
RT @ispace_inc@twitter.com
Mission Milestone 5 ✅!
Our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 lunar lander has successfully completed a month-long stable navigation and nominal cruise in deep space! As of today, it is currently approx. 1.34 million km from Earth. (1/3)
Read more: https://ispace-inc.com/news-en/?p=4247
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ispace_inc/status/1613100992429711360
RT @ispace_inc@twitter.com
Our Ops Team has successfully carried out the second orbital control maneuver of our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 lunar lander operations plan!
Since its launch on Dec. 11th, 2022, our lander has maintained stable navigation. (1/3)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ispace_inc/status/1609892682964545537
RT @ispace_inc@twitter.com
Our Ops Team has successfully carried out the second orbital control maneuver of our HAKUTO-R Mission 1 lunar lander operations plan!
Since its launch on Dec. 11th, 2022, our lander has maintained stable navigation. (1/3)
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ispace_inc/status/1609892682964545537