Der Mond hat heute wieder ein paar interessante Details zu bieten. An der Tag-Nacht-Grenze entstehen durch Krater und andere Oberfächenstrukturen optische Effekte. Heute sind da ein X und ein V zu sehen (Lunar X und Lunar V). Über dem X erscheint mit ein bisschen Phantasie ein Gesicht in einem Krater (zumindest Augen und eine Nase…).
#ObserveTheMoon #astrofotografie #mond #moon #lunarX #lunarV
#observethemoon #astrofotografie #mond #moon #lunarx #lunarv
Heads up that the popular #ClairObscurEffects the #LunarX + #LunarV will be visible for about 4 hours from about 18:00 UT / 19:00 BST on Thursday 27th April '23. About 2hrs after the start time you can also see the #FaceinAlbategnius More info here:
#clairobscureffects #lunarx #lunarv #faceinalbategnius
Aktuell ist es bewölkt, aber vorhin konnte ich den Mond ablichten. Heute mal wieder mit Lunar V und Lunar X.
#astrofotografie #mond #moon #lunarX #lunarV
#astrofotografie #mond #moon #lunarx #lunarv
Just a heads-up that the #LunarX & #LunarV are visible overnight tomorrow, at 01:00 UT Sunday 29/01/23. It becomes visible 45 mins before moonset from the UK so the Moon will be low. For the times of these and other #ClairObscur effects for 2023, visit:
Last night I published my 2023 #ClairObscurEffect blog showing the times the #LunarX, #LunarV, #FaceInAlbategnius + #EyesOfClavius are visible. My accompanying You Tube video is now live as well; check it out here: #LunarObserving #LightAndShade
#clairobscureffect #lunarx #lunarv #faceinalbategnius #eyesofclavius #lunarobserving #lightandshade
The visibility times for popular #Lunar #ClairObscurEffects the #LunarX, #LunarV, #FaceInAlbategnius & #EyesOfClavius for 2023 have just been published on my blog page. It includes a downloadable PDF of all the info. Feel free to share! -->
#Moon #LightAndShade #Luna
#lunar #clairobscureffects #lunarx #lunarv #faceinalbategnius #eyesofclavius #moon #lightandshade #luna
As the #Moon rises at around 1pm UT on Fri 30th Dec, the #LunarX +#LunarV will be visible. They are challenging to spot visually on a daytime Moon, but photos should reveal them. Our next chance from the UK is in January, so don't panic if you miss them! #ClairObscurEffects
#moon #lunarx #lunarv #clairobscureffects
The Lunar X!! This evening’s beautiful waxing crescent moon with the Lunar X clearly visible along the terminator. Photo taken from Little Rock, Arkansas, USA. #LunarX #moon #moonhour #astronomy #ARwx
#lunarx #moon #moonhour #astronomy #arwx
The #LunarX (V)
#Astronomy #Picture of the Day
#lunarx #astronomy #picture #apod