LISTEN FREE ON-DEMAND to “No Pain, No Gain” - The Hard, Heavy & Hair Show with Pariah Burke no. 401

- Africa's only Glam Metal band?!
- A song that is NOT about the assassination of John Lennon
- TRIPLE-SHOT: What do Metallica, Warrant, and Bonfire have in common?
- ROCK QUEEN of the Week is Dorothy Martin
- HITS AND DEEP CUTS by Stone Broken, John Corabi, Late Night Trouble, Bomber, L.A. Cobra, Jet Set Junkies, CoreLeoni, Ratt, Fastway, Dio, Shakra, Motley Crue, Love/Hate, Metallica, Scorpions, Van Halen, Dokken, Linkin Park, and more!

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Last updated 1 year ago

US Dept of Shitposting · @usdosp
545 followers · 331 posts · Server

I'm starting to see things from the is that several large food and beverage makers use as ingredients in their food.

Applying a bit of to this, and it strikes me that this would not be a very cost effective food additive. And that is without even questioning what value it could add to food production...

#lunaticfringe #gqp #aborted #fetuses #critical #thinking

Last updated 2 years ago