Eben mal das aktuelle Image von #LuneOS ehemals #webOS auf mein #Pinephone gespielt. Macht einen performanten Eindruck und sieht sehr schick aus.
In case you’re wondering if LuneOS (free/open successor to WebOS) is still alive and kicking and whether builds are available for the PinePhone (and Pro), the answer is yes.
#MaemoLeste is very much on my radar, and I may eventually look into #LuneOS again – but it is not a priority unless they have an announcement, I already dedicated a video to it: https://devtube.dev-wiki.de/videos/watch/71801e9b-bd0e-432f-ad52-a02019306724
The fifth edition of my weekly collection of @PINE64 #PinePhone news, Linbits, is out! https://linmob.net/2020/08/02/linbits4-weekly-pinephone-news-week31.html
Topics include #GTK4, #LuneOS, hardware accessories for the #PinePhone and more.
New Video: #LuneOS on the #PinePhone.
I just had to make a quick, unscheduled video on the continuation of #webOS. Some parts are great, others are .. shit.
The inside of good old HP Touchpad. #webosforever #webOSNation #LuneOS #webos https://social.tchncs.de/media/NEfVK5dJHe1zjeFRPlw
#webosforever #webosnation #luneos #webos