Puffin In Bluebells.
The Isle Of Lunga is always a special place to visit and spend a few hours, but right now, with both the sea pinks and bluebells in bloom, it's heavenly.
Canon R5 RF100-500mm, 500mm, ISO 400, 1/2000th.
#puffin #bluebells #Lunga #Mull #BirdPhotography #wildlife #photography #TurusMara
#turusmara #photography #wildlife #birdphotography #mull #lunga #bluebells #puffin
The #Puffin bill is not just attractive but is a useful tool too #puffins #puffinsofmastodon #birds #birdphotography #seabirds #seaside #nature #naturephotography #Lunga #treshnishIsles #Scotland
#scotland #treshnishisles #lunga #naturephotography #nature #seaside #seabirds #birdphotography #birds #puffinsofmastodon #puffins #puffin
Good afternoon :) I love finishing work early. Puffin on the Isle of Lunga May 2018. #Puffin #birds #BirdPhotography #Lunga #Scotland
#puffin #birds #birdphotography #lunga #scotland
An Atlantic puffin hot-footing it across a meadow in search of fresh vegetation for its burrow.
Puffins breed on the Isle Of Lunga, and in an effort to keep their burrows (used as a nest) clean or perhaps less smelly, the adults search for vegetation to line them.
Some of the best stuff is across the meadow, and they run around looking for it. So funny!
#puffin #Lunga #fun #photography #wildlife #seabird #nature #WildlifePhotography #BirdPhotography
#birdphotography #wildlifephotography #nature #seabird #wildlife #photography #fun #lunga #puffin
Just listening to #Mingulay boat song on @BBC3MusicBot I follow #Calmac on the Birdy site for updates but I love to see the beautiful names and dream of visiting those islands. I have only visited #Mull, #Arran #Iona and #Lunga for #Puffin therapy
#Mingulay #calmac #mull #arran #iona #lunga #puffin
In addition to Mull itself, I have the #Treshnish Isles nearby to visit, and during the #spring and #summer months, these islands provide the breeding grounds for thousands of sea birds.
The Isle Of #Lunga is a magical location in spring, when it is carpeted with sea pinks and bluebells, and is where puffins can be seen.
A wider view of the vibrant scene.
#wildlife #bird #puffin #lunga #summer #spring #treshnish
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#22agosto #sole #gittata #lunga #missili #valuta #giappone #esercitazioni #usa
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