"Scientists have known for years now that air currently categorized as 'moderate,' or yellow, on the daily Air Quality Index due to elevated levels of fine particulate matter can pose significant health risks even though it is within the daily limit and deemed 'acceptable'." Oh.
(This is my forecast every single day--best case scenario.) #pollution #EPA #AirQuality #ToxicLA #LungBeach #LosAngeles
#pollution #epa #airquality #toxicla #lungbeach #losangeles
Where are the #LosAngeles #LongBeach #California people? Are activists here or migrating in? #Port #AirQuality #CleanTrucks #CEQA #ClimateCrisis #AirPollution #Smog #LungBeach #ToxicLA
#losangeles #longbeach #california #port #airquality #cleantrucks #ceqa #climatecrisis #airpollution #smog #lungbeach #toxicla