Just got the news that #Glimesh is shutting down.
First it was #Lunr, then #Altair, then #Brime, now #Glimesh.
These four platforms were announced when #Mixer announced their shutdown, and now they're all gone.
With four new platforms on the horizon, that being #LightSpeed, #LiveSpace, #SharePlay, and #ArenaTV, it's going to be interesting to see how they'll go.
#glimesh #lunr #altair #brime #mixer #lightspeed #livespace #shareplay #arenatv
Canadian Letter: Intuitive Machines has a 92 per cent upside, says Roth https://www.cantechletter.com/2023/04/intuitive-machines-has-a-92-per-cent-upside-says-roth/ #canada #tech #Technology #Allposts #Analysts #Space #lunr
#Canada #Tech #technology #Allposts #Analysts #space #lunr
My blog at beyondwatts.com now has search 😀
Read about how I set up search for a hugo static site using lunr @ https://www.beyondwatts.com/posts/hugo-search-with-lunr/
Sometimes, you can learn so much from studying source code!
For example, this week I looked into @zachleat and @nhoizey 's project called Tweetback and discovered
Super helpful if you want to add #search to your #SSG build!
(I considered #Lunr but that project didn't received an update in a while).
I've still got a bunch of beautification work to do tomorrow, but here's an example of what a generated site looks like so far.
Anyone who uses clu will be able to generate a site like this documenting the commands they've created for themselves or their team.
It's using #lunr to power the search, and it seems to work pretty well overall.
in short v2.0 is going to be a pretty big bump. ;)
Lunr - Lunr enables you to provide a great search experience without the need for external, server-side, search services. https://lunrjs.com/ #Dev #Search #JavaScript #Lunr
#dev #search #javascript #lunr
I wrote an article on how to implement a completely client-side search feature on a #Hugo-generated static website. There are bits and pieces of this info floating around but AFAIK no really complete writeups. #lunr #lunrjs
Adding basic search functionality with #lunr.js wasn't too hard. The important part was not using hugo-lunr package (lots of bugs) but letting #Hugo generate JSON data for all documents itself. Didn't go with a pre-built search index, need document titles and such to display.