Repeat performance from #lupulinBrewing Polarnattens Paradis Imperial Coffee Stout. It’s the weekend!
#lupulinbrewing #imperialstout #beer #darkbeer
I love to see the up-cycling from small breweries -- shout out to #LupulinBrewing for translating those lager cans into tasty #smoky Polarnattens Paradise Coffee Imperial Stout cans!
This was a nice start to a #snowy weekend here in the great north. Smoky, coffe-forward with just the right balance of bitter.
#lupulinbrewing #smoky #snowy #friyay #beer #imperialstout
If we are going to get snowed in, I am going to be prepared!
New picks from the Dabbler Depot:
#LupulinBrewing Polarnattens Paradis - Imperial Coffee Stout
#HeadflyerBrewing Vanilla Bean Porter
#lupulinbrewing #headflyerbrewing